The Bass Picture Gallery


i want a wickie too ... titus ... i'm going to steal your warwick one day k! i miss the sound so much .. LOL!
guys you have damn good wicks!!! don't get me wrong, i played a wick once (streamer) and the sound is just so amazingly good, very clearly better than other high end basses in the same category.

too bad i don't like high maintainence requirement of the narutal oil wicks.... :( needing me to wax it is quite a ridiculous concept for me... pick up play and put down, that's what i want in my instruemnt, not to be bothered to think have i waxed it yet, and when i didn't that patch on the body near my hand changes color .... :(
ahh i feel the love. warwick's the sex. if only they make real singlecuts and not mockups.

is that a custom shop thumb. bubinga pomele omfg... must be custom shop.

resetti - wicks are like sex, once a week. i will unhang the wick, rub it and caress it slowly, put it on my lap, take a nice flint free cloth, rub a bit of wax and gently rub it, all over, caressing every single grain, and than take a clean cloth, wipe all over...

but btw the stains one needs lesser love, but they still need love, the ovankal neck are unfinish and raw so that need to be stroke gently once a week. but wick tech support say, the oil and sweat from your palms finger is sufficient need to keep the necks enuff oil ;p
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hey lordie, thats a photoshopped single cut.
warwick doesnt make singlecuts, as of yet.
but i still prefer dual cuts :)
and yessss my wick being 7 years old wont really need much waxing, lucky me!
but im buying a can of wax though.
oh photoshop! but its damn well done photoshop ;p

i heard horror stories in regards to the neck, infact a gf of a vox in a band is using a corvette std and hers is warp beyond repair apparently. and i tot girls can take care of equipment better than guys ;pppp

btw check out Lord Sheraton Balsam beeswax, i left my can of wick beeswax in singapore, i am now working in KL but the bass is with me now. bouught the sheraton and it leaves less gunk than the howards feed n wax. but sheraton is gentle on the bass so it takes a bit of time to build up the wax residue, infact my bass if dun wax for a week it gets really dry, see if still happens in long term usage. when i tried howards a few weeks ago. the neck feel gunky after i left it for 20mins before rubbing the wax off. FYI ;p
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okay, i've finally able to record some samples for my Audere-equipped Yamaha ..

EQ's all flat .. first track is both pickups on .. the second one is the back pickup and the third the front ..

added slight compression on the bass and a final compression on the master to keep the levels in check .. enjoy! Audere out!
Very nice! What are you recording your bass through?

oh! you won't believe me .. my computer Creative Audigy card! .. lol! i can't even get a proper signal in .. when i get my Firebox then i record straight proper k? got irritating grounding sounds cos it's not grounded when recorded straight ..
Hey guys, i just aquired a Lakland JO skyline Cs and here are some pictures. Enjoy!





The output on the chisonics are really high, and they sound fantastic. Im pretty happy with how the grain looks as well.

Thanks a mil Cherns for getting this in!

i too, am happy with how the grain looks

but i think the lakland bridge is ugly lah. yah i know it's THE lakland bridge. but i just dont like it