The Bass Picture Gallery

Sorry for the crappy quality, but i only have a handphone camera =(

anyway here's my bass! Theres one thing wrong with the bass though, can you spot it?

Should be pretty obvious in the 2nd picture.


haha, if i have the time and cash! But at the moment it plays like any other bass so i guess no rush. I gotta fix up my jazz bass first though, bad shape man bad shape.
whoa bro .. looks bad .. just needs some simple drilling and you'll be fine . .i think you gotta fill the old screw holes though ..
bassinyourface: hey, i've the exact attitude.. same colour as well. except yours is waaaay cleaner.

xmetallicx: how'd it get that way la?
oh maaaaan. i assume you had it flown/shipped in, and you didn't have the chance to inspect it. no return policy whatsoever? that's seriously bad craftmanship and even worse quality control. very, very valid for a return/refund.
bassinyourface: and it also amazes me how your open pole pieces are still shiny.. all my exposed pole pieces eventually gets rusty.

Anyone for a Skyline decade? now has the dealership for Lakland and will be bringing in stock over the next 6 months (including the Decade!). If you have anything that you'd like me to include in my order, please PM/email me ( for pricing and ordering info.

I'll be starting a thread on this in the "Great deals" section so watch that space!