The All Seeing Eye (Extreme Weirdness Beware!)

this is very interesting. yet scary at the same time.
but i dont understand it.
what is the illuminati??
abt the signs and symbols, it could be just a coincidence right?
Simply put, The Illuminati, or "The Illuminated Ones", is basically a form of secret society/race that is said to run the world "behind the scenes" - since the beginning of life. Special symbols & numbers are their trademarks :lol: Best place to get the rough idea:

If u believe it is coincidence, then it is.
There are tons of these symbols going around in hollywood movies. National Treasure, Tomb Raider 2, 13 Ghost, Lord Of The Rings and there are more. And same goes for that Verichip idea.
I still don't know what kind of a creature is that. Not really sure if it's fake or some serious freak of nature. But because it has one eye and this thread somehow catters to alot weird things so maybe I post and share with you all.

Yeah Yahoo! News did wrote an article about a successful crossbreeding sometime back. Hmm, man trying to play God. What else is new. :lol:
looks like a cyclops monkey..

cyclops deformities are know to happen when the embryo development goes wrong.. some problem with the fusion of the various parts of the head..
Let's put a little brain twister in this thread. Count how many F are there in the following sentence. Make sure you read at one go and say the amount or else it wouldn't be interesting.


So what's your answer?
it was damn funny when i did that 1 with mi classmates a couple of weeks ago, both of them said 3, i said 5, bcoz i didn't count the f in scientific which was so totally out of point
so whats the catch? (relating to the 6 Fs)

anyway, i just realised, even TRIBALCAST'S avatar shows ur 'eye in the triangle'.

on purpose?
anyway, i just realised, even TRIBALCAST'S avatar shows ur 'eye in the triangle'.

on purpose?

:) If you dive into the world of Illuminati related issues, thus you will start to see things.

y & how the hell would one end up with 3? hahah i dont get how this is a brain twister though. u can spot 6 with 1 glance

Well I got this stuff from my e-mail. Heres the actual reply after you've done trying to figure out how many F's are there.

WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.
Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.

The reasoning behind is further down.

The brain cannot process "OF".

Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!

Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius.

That's the reason why you were told to try to read it at one go. Because if you were to take your time and look at it properly obviously you would see it.