The 16th Drum Xchange Singapore at Geylang East Library - 29 November 09

Then 75% of the ppl in the room owned me:/
Aiya its about having fun and learning there.
So no worries yea!
I was like super scared to play in front of so many guys.
But now, i think im a bit more confident! so yea:)
Everyone started as a beginner! So just keep practicing my friend!

i must be the other 25%...
dang latin/world/jazz is definitely new to me...
hey i had fun learnng and lots new stuff going tru my mind after today... sorry i cant stay till end, first, i so damn cold till shivering coz im riding motorbike and got caught in the rain, and second i gat errand to run at 4 and when i left there im already 10 min late... and 3 third retarddrummer scare me off :p hahaha
Heh im 25% too =X i noe v basic jazz, but latin n so on are quite alien to me =X

Yea sorry i had to leave early too ytd.. had to go somewhr else at 4.. was slightly late =/
ge3k: Where gott! just look at drum ambassador and arvin. thats crazy sia. damn power.

bealerbet:were u the dude with the new era cap and wore vans shoes?
Lol. Why did i scare u off! well too bad for u, ill always be there!(if i can make it)

Magnimas: Yea totally alien to me too. cause i dun play jazz/latin. i play more funk and rock? thats why i cant do those wicked rolls all in one bar and still end on a one. hahaha.
haha i dun play funk too.. learning metal recently onli.. ( the reason for me to change to heel up) More familiar with rock rhythms =X
It was a small but intimate and fun meet up this time round isn't it? :)

I don't play latin/world music/jazz at all, to be honest. I'm more of a pop, rock and metal drummer. But I do enjoy all kinds of music and it's always good to learn about some other styles that you don't usually play. Never know when those stuff will come in handy! :D
Haha.We are all noob la, Magnimas. Even the masters are constantly learning. Glad to see you came for the xchange. Its a great place for all of us to learn from each other...and of course opportunities to touch the drum set for those whom aren't fortunate enough to play often! Don't be shy to play!
haha thx for the encouragement =D yea i am still rather shyt to play out on the kit coz i onli started to realli play the kit dis year, which means i play as a noob to my frens in the band =X n coz im a noob n the drums are the loudest instrument, i dare not play it out loud.. When i play it out loud, mistakes are heard.. Thats the origin of my signature xD the first part being im not a percussionist actually =X
sians. i cldnt attend. had some church stuffs, and whats worse, was that my church is just a stone's throw away from geylang east library. =.= so sians. hope i can make it for the next one. btw is any1 attending the free clinic next sat?
I refuse to think that I'm noob (and all of us aren't!) cos we all know something aint it? Hahahh.

On a side note, it was a small and intimate session, to the point that it was really cosy... Could be the after effects of the rain, lol.

Hope everyone have gained something and practice hard!

PS. A BIG shout out to James (Soft) for taking the trouble to help us with the logistics/transport/storage for the drumset. BIG THANKS!
Ahahah I like your signature, spinninsticks!

I'm going to attend every single one of these :D It's great to have like-minded individuals come together to do what they love. It's....

Wah I'm back from hiatus and I see I just missed a recent exchange...Couldn't make it either cuz my exams only ended on 3rd Dec :( Haven't touched my sticks in a year :( so i'm totally rusty now
OMG I KENA JACK!!!! i came here thinking the xchange was 29'th of Dec as todays the 27th and to my surprise! =O 29th of NOV?! oh my....

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