Tech 21 Sansamp GT2


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Tech 21 Sansamp GT2

List price: $250-$300 varying from shops you purchase from

First Looks:
This pedal upon first look seems kind of expensive for its size, but do not be fooled. It also may just seem like a distortion pedal, but it can also be used as an amp modeller, and also allows for direct recording or direct into a PA system.

The GT2 is housed in a solid black coloured metal enclosure, real solid and definitely meant for stage use. Made in the USA FYI. The thing that i found very impressing about the GT2 unlike lets say BOSS or IBANEZ pedals, is that its a very precise pedal. The pots controlling the HI for example, at about 2 o`clock, its sounding kinda "Rocky", at about slightly less than 3, its turned into a metal machine, giving palm mutes a real nice chug. Anyway, the pedal features four knob controls: LEVEL, HI, LO, DRIVE and 3 switches for different drive settings, microphone positioning in front of the amp, and the amp models

This pedal is very versatile soundwise

You can dial in a clean Fender(set to TWEED) tone for some blues, and maybe drive it up a bit for a bit of rock n roll, really nice and the "distortion"(its more of an overdrive) clips really constantly and well, unlike say an ibanez SM7 with the drive all the way down.

The Marshall modelling(set to BRITISH) is also accurate, on the "HI GAIN" setting on the pedal, it can give some real nice rock tones, eg. slash, satriani, and again the clipping is really nice

The Mesa Boogie modelling(set to CALIFORNIA) is for metal mayhem, the drives are rough, distorts real well, and makes artificial harmonics scream and cut through, really nice for metal palm mutes also.

This pedal is a good buy, but its kind of pricey compared to a IBANEZ Smashbox or a BOSS Metal Zone, but the distortion and models are more versatile than these 2 pedals combined together. However, i wished that there was also a MID control, to make finding tones easier, but this can be accomplished through trial and error, and by switching between the HI GAIN and HOT WIRED(mid scooped) settings.
How would you compare the GT-2 vs the Tri-AC? I know that the Tri-AC has got 3 selections of tone, but is it really a better worth of money over the GT-2?
gt-2 and tri-ac sound similar and yet slightly different. If u listen to the marshall distortion, it sounds like they are very close. But tri-ac is generally more treblish and gt-2 is warmer.

They just suit different needs and preference, hard to tag which is more worth

When I have time I will post some demo of them. Or u can drop by my place to test both models.

The TRI AC also has less gain than the GT2 and is generally noisier when you up the gain.

I like the TRI AC boosted with a nice dirt pedal... and I prefer the GT2 as a standalone drive unit.

Jeremy, your review, is it the older GT2 or the new GT2?
i tried te tri od yesterday.
i liked it.
solid gain and distortion.
anyone tried it before?

considering geting the fellow
hey is the gt2 a true bypass all analog pedal? searched the page and googled but cant find info bout those details... and wheres the best place to get it (like cheapest)
hey guys..i heard that GT2 got 2 version?? whats the diff?? can anyone tell me??
samsamp GT2

GT2 2nd version
oic..this the new 1 right? but i heard that GT2 got 2 version of old how i different shape the 2 of them?
I'm trying to find out more about the GT2 sansamp available on ...but there's no reply. is it sold out?