Taste Of Chaos Tour Singapore: As I Lay Dying and Story Of The Year

welcome to the Taste of Disaster! whawhawha.. maybe after that the gig-goers can stay on for clubbing? lol...
my brother is 14 and his favourite band happens to be atreyu and AILD.
i bought for him tickets to the taste of chaos as a birthday gift and he was overjoyed he even saved enough money to buy himself an atreyu t-shirt for that day(considering his pathetic allowance)

then last week i had to break his heart by telling him that atreyu pulled out.
so he didnt want to wear that shirt to the the event anymore.
i told him not to be upset because he can still watch AILD. managed to cheer him up.

today i have to tell him HE CANT GO.

i only have LAMC to blame. they are the production that brought this event to singapore, they organized it, and so they are the only ones responsible for it.

they fucked up big time when atreyu pulled out. played out many people that already bought tickets. and their solution was to down size it to DXO and not let younger fans watch anything??

after all the mess they are still only keen on saving their own asses and MAKING MORE MONEY from us by down sizing.

and this is a forum, people speak their minds and what ever they feel they wanna share they just type it out. if people wanna comment that they want KSE or BFMV to come they are free to do so. they wanna curse and swear at LAMC, they can. for those who wanna defend LAMC, just speak your share, dont ask us to stop complaining because you dont know shit about how we feel.
I have to say an over 18 show for these bands doesn't make a lot of sense because i would think the crowd is majority under the limit...

I do know that Glass Pavilion is not really open as a venue any more because its now a film school or theatre school or something like that.

But i would have thought that somewhere like D'tent @ Downtown East (the mini D'Marque) would have been a better option than DXO... maybe it was already booked (its run be the same company which runs DXO)... or Maybe no time to apply for Public Entertainment License (clubs would already have a blanket license).....

Must be hard to find a venue that can fit 500-800pax (which is what i expect the turn will be) at such short notice

but i guess at the end what it comes down to is the the ticket sales have been really poor.
Enough for LAMC to bite the bullet of bad press and a forfeited deposit for Fort Canning.

I am sure that they will be doing some alterations to DXO stage to accommodate the bands rider requirements.
And all of the bands are pro enough to still put on a kick ass show for their fans
seriously unfair to those who's under 18 who bought the tickets for toc and wants to watch soty and aild badly.
it's seriously a joke to have taste of chaos in DXO.
imo we really cant do anything much abt the venue change even though it sucks big time...but they should at least reduce the tix price since its a smaller venue with a suckier sound system(i hope im proven wrong on the day itself).

seriously this gig has made other gigs at dxo for the past few years looks dirt cheap...

oh well..
we just have to "suck thumb"...
and make the best of the whole situation...

my $0.02

the pull out of the bands was 'lan lan' i guess. cant do anything abt it. but the change of venue is definitely a business move, why would they wanna book a big venue when a handful of the crowd is already cancelling their plans. but choosing dxo is shocking and questionable, when the crowd that listens to this bands are the younger ones (grown ups go to GRAVE HAHA). then again, what are the other choices they have when its a last minute cock-up?
disappointed ticket buyers need a proper explanation. a taste of chaos for the year.
think of it this way.

DXO IS small, we know that.

If you're going, don't you think it would be much more of a personal show, where you can get really close to the band? Not many acts have this showcase-like shows. You'll leave satisfied, and feel like you know the band like your own homies.

HOWEVER, I believe that now it shouldn't be called TOC. Let's just call it...the AILD and SOTY show.

Yes it is heartbreaking, but hey, look on the bright side. Who knows, MUCC and Atreyu might come down on their own?

I know I shouldn't say much, since I'm refunding. I'm 95 bucks richer again.
Won't Far East Square Glass Pavilion be a better location?...

I know why they changed venue but still, DXO is way small to even accomodate a decent crowd..
these could be our last chance to see these 2 bands play here.. those above 18, please go and watch, i doubt they will be coming back to singapore after this event already :(
lamc shud change their name to lame productions instead. holy crap! im super pissed bout this. lamc shud stop after this event. this is the biggest rip-off of the year. we shud get $40 buck refund for holding it at dxo. i paid my hard earned money for this piece of crap dxo. i hate clubs and it had to be held in a bloody club. might as well have aild and stoy in my house so that all those under 18 can watch dem play. idiot lamc. go screw yourself.
OK, LAMC has good reputations. With the success of the Recent Mortley Crue.. Who would have thought that Mortley Crue would drop by Singapore? hmmm..

And all these mishap such as TOC happens cause of some money problem on TOC organizer side. Looking at it, LAMC had made a loss. Its not cheap to hold an event at Fort Canning.

But Im not sure about why DXO? hmm. In any case, Don't be a as*hol* and defame LAMC. They are good people. All these can't be avoided. They want this thing to happen. Its better to let it happen then to cancel the whole show.

Of cause the place is cramp, but a cramp space doesn;t mean we can't have fun.
Its like, you can watch the band UP CLOSE. With more chances on getting more goodies from them.

As I said, its a like a normal local gig. :)

:) Sorry to offend anyone here, but some people pissed me off ah. Taking things for granted... hmmph...

dude. i feel for you man.
heart wrenching story youve got there.
hope things works out for the better.
good thing about it at dxo is that we'll get to see the bands better,face to face...
but i doubt the sound will be really damn good
tsk tsk...
I WAS planning to get the tickets but then, WTF?
DXO? How to have a good time like that?
Then the sound system leh?

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