Swee Lee Sale -13th Dec

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just did a HUGE shopping yesterday and now Im broke!!!!!
omg damn i just remembered i'm not in sg during the sale. guess i have to buy the guitar i want with the original price.
im sure it will be at sims drive. i think. Well.. im already a member so no need to queue!!! yay!! haha!! :mrgreen:
members no need to queue? there is quite a sizeable pool of members, we do queue before the door opens for the sale- we enter earlier than non-members, that's about it...

SALE recommendations
this is an appeal to those of us who make an effort to drop by the sale venue before it kicks in; do share what's worth grabbing. i'd like to chip in but i would miss the year-end SALE this time- immersion programme @ KL...
yes, you get to go in first but we observe a queue, a member's queue if you'd like to call it. if the sale practices do not change, members get to go in an hour earlier than the rest...
ahhhh... so there will be seperate queue for members and public? or do i have to like just go to the front and show my membership when the doors open? sorry la.. im a new member so i dont know much.
MFO members will join the queue in front. So, you still have to queue :) Quite a number of members though.
WOW!! additional 10% off = 60% off for first 20 MFO members and first 100 public customers!!! any campers? hahahaha! :mrgreen:
hmm, i'm new at this.this will be my first time going to the sale...i need a drumset but i can only come late. Do all the good deals usually get wiped out by afternoon?