To each their own... I go to Davis to get my DR bass strings, Guitar Connection and Davis as well for my guitar parts... But if I need something fron Swee Lee, well, I get it there. Simple. But about Yamaha... Hmmm just compare their D'Addario strings pricing with Swee Lee and you'll know why I seldom visit them. I get what I need, no need to bother too much about other things.
I mean its funny how we don't bug Metro or Giordano to try their merchandise every now and then when Hush Puppies or something comes out with a new model. Is that why the staff there are more friendly? At least probably because I don't visit guitar shops to try out basses for 1/2hr each time like so many others I spot everytime i'm there

I mean I do try, when I want to get the thing... I won't try if i'm getting it next month, coz if its not there by then, whats the point? Again, like some fellow players I know who do that. I guess i'm not thick-skinned, the most I'll do is ask price. Specs I will check online and I view user reviews.
But if I do have a question, I ask nicely and I get answers. If you ask the right people of course, those who don't know better will tell you nonsense. I really don't see big problems anywhere in any music shops in SG, probably I SHOULD drop by once a week to piss them off and see what happens
I guess its attitude. When I was younger I had this 'I won so and so band competition' attitude, and it doesn't help, seriously. They don't care, probably they have regular gigs every night earning 3K a month to bother about your rockstar attitude with your one-time $1k endorsement. Act like a humble human and you get what you want. Isn't that the whole point? Getting what you want?
Play more music and whine less people. Including myself.