"swee lee is ripping us off" (update)

mikemann said:
Hmmm......is that the custom built "bandmaster" clone in tweed cabinet combo??

yeah, its the custom tweed combo. am enjoying it v much :)

i am just looking at it from a customer point of view. if i can get something cheaper via the web on personal shipping as opposed to paying a higher price on something that came in via bulk buying in spore, then something must be horribly wrong.

if they do not do something, alot of customers will try the stuff in swee lee and choose to buy online instead. who cares abt waiting one or two weeks more?

they may have been the monopoly when it was pre-internet days, but now, with internet competition, they better shape up or ship out.
You had some problems with the amp initially right??

Yeah, I do agree that SL have to do its fair share to evolve. Even the market is different from what it was just 2-3yrs ago. I personally have to do some evolving myself.

On trying out at SL first then go purchasing on-line, I personally feel it's not ethical to be doing that. But I don't see how that can be prevented, its a world wide problem. People who does that shows immaturity and IMOO, these are the people who won't go very far in life. Anyway you will still pay the price in the shipping and the risks involved.

Actually my personal grouse is the they don't have a dealer's plan either. But it's their own policy, they enforce it the way they see fit. Those squabbles we hear once in a while, does no one any good either.
Big company must use customer service and QUALITY SERVICE to retain their customer loyalty.

The way things are going... i don't see how they can survive for long.

one more thing.

The Swee Lee Top Band Competition set up last year?

Best vocalist wasn't even given his prize. They just pretend to have forgotten. Till today.

Those who took part also know how badly organised it was.
I really hope some SL representative reads stuff like this, so that they are more aware of the feelings and thoughts of musicians, especially a large community like soft. Maybe they should then raise the issue to the big boss or something. I mean it can't go on like this, the way SL does things, and us musicians never ending our rants about the company. Something has to be done, and i hope soon. If they choose to "wake up" and do something about customer service, product variety, as well as product pricing, i'm sure they'll make far more profits than what they are making now.
I believe SweeLee, Davis, City Music and most music shops, already have new gen management popping by forums to gather inputs. But most of the time they will stay in the sideline, and not give reply.

The older gen wouldn't bother anyway, cause they are already wise to small bickering, and too well connected to even bother with such petty issues.

This is in tune with a hunting tiger keeping a low wind to survey his game.
Hi GL,

As a consumer, its such a pity that Swee Lee and to a smaller extent Music Plaza, being the more established shops, regularly enounter inventory and pricing issues.

Unfortunately, its a structural problem which as to be addressed at the Management level.

Form the viewpoint of another retailer, such issues provide perfect opportunities for smaller niche-focused shops to enter the market to meet consumer demand.

Case in point; Davis vs SL and MP (10yrs back & now)

From a business perspective, I have to applaud their efforts in the last 10 years. They played their cards right by listening to the market and focusing on products which showed client demand. I would go so far as to say that I wont be surprised if they were to grow bigger than Swee Lee within the next 10 years.
u noe wad...

all these shiat is freakin ppl out man...

I VOW : to open my own music instrument shop in the future at the right age,time,financial stability!
Goal : Unmatched service,quality,locatiON!!!!

SL DIE!!!!! :supz:


hahHhaaa agreed ..

y dun we form a soft online purchasing club group. every 6 mths , conduct big MO from one big dealer , c wad is the response like ?

i m kinda keen on kick starting one from ishibashi www.ishibashi.co.jp orders in august
mikemann said:
You had some problems with the amp initially right??

actually, even after the amp tech serviced it, the volume still dropped in and out occasionally after abt half an hour of playing.
i sent it back but the result is still the same.
ah well, i guess ur too busy to try ur hand at it eh...? :oops:

true that it is not ethical to try music stuff at swee lee then make online purchases, but faced with such high prices, can you blame customers...?
i place a bit of sympathy on the customers, imho.
in an ideal world, if the price is competative with online shops, buy from the outlet shop.

that's why if there was a combination of davis and swee lee kind of guitar shop, it would be killer.
davis' prices are priced about right, but their service sucks. (how do you test guitars and amps with the volume on 0.5 in 5 minutes??? hello...?)
swee lee has better customer service (you can try the guitars and amps at reasonable volumes and with more time) but the prices are sky-high.

that being said the prices of strings, picks and the small knick knacks are priced fine at swee lee. its just the guitars and amps.
JMguitars said:
Case in point; Davis vs SL and MP (10yrs back & now).

from a business perspective i applaud davis too. at least he started from scratch. now its about time he worked on his music sense and listen to customers.

amen to small retailers coming up. i never thought i would see the likes of toneking coming here, thank god for you, mark!
now guitar 77 is bringing in savage.
and timothy bringing in fine acoustics as well.
prakash bringing in heritage.
not to mention mrmisse and malcolm's reverends and thomas' van zandt guitars.

now for someone to bring in nash guitars, lollar pickups, fargen amps. :wink:

hey, maybe mark could try his hand at bringing in tweed amp kits and fixing it up! *hint* *hint*
although the Davis old man ain't as stucked up as he used to be... i still think he'a abit of attitude.... but not as much as before....
swee lee is ripping us off

Well! Since there are so many complaints against Swee Lee.
Any of you ever try buying online?

If you do buy online, which are the websites that you
all would recommand? :?: I really do not mind try buying
online. As the price tag at Swee Lee is really steep.
ebay is ok. spent more than 1k there so far on a midi controller, picks, sound card, pickups and stuff. everything arrived promptly and perfectly. I wont buy a guitar online though, too much risk invloved.

acme guitarworks, aamps, music 123, elderly music are those places where i got my stuff from so far