Support me okay? =)

RoRK suggests that you get invovled in some scandal to push your hit count. RoRK gotch ideas for you. :mrgreen:
Sigh. What to do bro, gotch 'Damsel in Distress". If donch help, then feel bad mah. Our sis needs some management and creative assistance. :-D
Very true. Hence my support! Whatever you suggested in the PM, I also say (even though I dunno what you say)! :D
Haha THOA how can you support something that you haven't even heard yet??? :P

RoRK's suggestion is very naughty, by the way... hmm.......
Me no ulat bulu but me still voted and voted.

Maybe it'd spice things up if Sheylara dear would put up a video on YouTube of her singing prettily.
