Suntec Band Competition 08

= palmline dude

yup i think the mic was crackling for abit and i think the laney amps for guitars, the volume gets softer whenever it's plugged into a pedal or something (marshall's the way to go :p). nonetheless, palmline dude, the vocals are audiable from the audience point of view though the singer couldn't really hear himself in the monitors. apparently, i thought my mic was off too rather. *shrugs*.

anyhoots, i think slamjam dude will post/call up the winners by monday for those who missed the results at the end (apparently i cannot remember all 20 bands that got through)

a shoutout to all bands who participated, i have to give it up for the great show you guys put up, awesome awesome i must say. to streetsites, sponge, knightsfall and the rest who got through to the semis, see ya guys next week and remember to kick rear end!

p.s. im getting biopromax dude to tag along this time, national service got hold of his saturday for the auditions (apparently he's supposed to come down).
= palmline dude

a shoutout to all bands who participated, i have to give it up for the great show you guys put up, awesome awesome i must say. to streetsites, sponge, knightsfall and the rest who got through to the semis, see ya guys next week and remember to kick rear end!

Thank you extremers, we(knightsfall) are never nervous lah ... new line up lah..... but thank god we made it... Thank you everyone
by the way, sorry Mr James if i gave you a shock when i called out your name just now... heheheh.. cheers
hadi dude, *laughs* seriously i never thought you guys were knightsfall (well its been a long time since i last saw you guys performed actually) till i saw your bassist, i know your guitarist in white specs were talking to a member of streetsites in regards to changing gig slots and stuff but i didnt know he was from knightsfall sia! aiyoh, so paiseh!
hahahh well we took a break for awhile after gerlad left the band.... now with new line up.... new songs coming your way... how you know my lead guitarist?
yea.. see u guys next week. And wassup with the "palmline dude" and "slamjam dude" haha... reminds me of karate kid .."Daniel son, breathe in.. breathe out".
i have to agree on the amps... i can't even hear what i'm playing..... hmmm got to do something about that...

by the way, happy practising and good luck for the semis guys see ya all on saturday.

man from eyes of sorrow......
congrats to the bands that went thru! wooooo!! *clap clap* yea i kinda agree with the rest about the amps. i thought the mic was kinda soft too, but i saw a video my fren took, it was kinda alright. once again, grats to those that went thru and rock the stage this coming saturday!:)
Hey, LOL. Didn't came down to do some recording for suntec band. Sorry.

I shall try to come down for the semis. Hopefully, I am not activated again.

So who's in? So that I can prepare myself.
hey raman dude, i know some of the bands that made it through (streetsites, knightsfall & sponge), some i know them in person but i dont really know their bandnames and the rest i have no clue. i think slamjam dude will post up the results by tomorrow so at least you get to know who's going through or not. if i make any sense, it's still early in the morning man...
i have to agree on the amps... i can't even hear what i'm playing..... hmmm got to do something about that...

by the way, happy practising and good luck for the semis guys see ya all on saturday.

man from eyes of sorrow......

Hey bro.... just want to say thank you for help us out with the slots yesterday... really appreciated it... thanks
Me too wanted to stay but got two gigs lah..... Thank you once again... see you guys next sat... this time cover... "Don't talk to strangers" by Dio..... hahha
hadi - if the semi in two or three weeks time maybe we would but due to our tight schedule i don't think that's possible...

just wait for another rock classic from us....
wakHENSEM:Yeah bro...Really2 thank you for the slot exchange. My bandmates was very mean to let me watch the whole show alone...hahaha....Luckily found some nice fellow performers that I can chit chat with...I'm glad that I still can see the great good old rock spirit like you guys bro....I also want to ask knightsfall to play van halen's stuffs next time....
congrats Hadi for making it to semis ..may I bumb into U again at beef fried rice stall at capitol ;)