Suntec Band Competition 08

Ya, for those who say "Check out the videos at sg!" on stage, I will film super nice. ;)

Allo, this is the Suntec Band Competition thread.
they have already called me up:)

good luck to all the bands performing..
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Break a leg to all bands .. dont forget to SMILE when James vids u all :mrgreen:
who's james?

wah lau eh .... :mrgreen:

sorry James - I know its "dont use quote button" period but I cudnt resist with this one ... :rolleyes:

bro extremers - it PAYS to know who the BOSS is ... ;)

Alrity, wifey at POWERJAM! I SMILE BIG BIG TOO ... hah

Major tip for bands taking part in competition, face the audience/judge. I see bands looking at the floor, at the drummer or at their gears. Not very good for the stage presentation part and that is usually 30% of the overall score.

Make it enjoyable to watch you guys.

Ok james... Knightsfall new line-up will smile big big for you ok.... steady? \m/....

hope ur hemsem face comes out swee on soft! :mrgreen:

handsome ? cannot lah.... must save some energy tomolo because my other band Fall of Mirra got two gigs one at arts house and the other at music garge back to back..... and all the best to you for power jam.... every year your band advance to the next stage so i guess you guys would do the same too rigght?
Hi guys, competition is tmr! and how nice of Mr James AKA Mr SOFT to do a vid on this. =D!

aand drummers, is there gonna double peds on the drums? any info on that? (so much for preparation.. .. .. ..) i forgot to ask the organizers.. :oops: its too late to ask aint it?

anyway im still gonna bring double peds.

all the best to all..!
I know there is another SOFTie video filming. He might interview the bands too.
SunTec Audtions TODAY

hey hey....

Greetings to all the bands taking part 2day.
28 bands in all! MASSIVE event.

Mr Akira-Portnoy.. there will be double padels provided, just for you. :cool:

i do hv to apologize that we are unable to put up the 'Siamese Monster Kit' for you. otherwise your band members will hv to play on the ground, NOT up on stage. :twisted:

gd luck to all the bands.
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Hadi - hahaha every year is a new challenge ... with new line ups too

Hope to bump into U again while eating beef fried rice, sometime soon :)
Sure sure bro..... no problem infact i will be having my lunch there later.... and GOOD LUCK to you and the rest who is taking power jam later...

Goodie bag

My mom loves the goodie bag... thanks organizers..

No seriously some comments... the mic was crackling for the last few band might wanna check that out... and can we have monitor amps on louder.. cannot hear ourselves la..

//edit: was told that we actually HAD monitors.. haha.. didn't hear a thing man.
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Where are the results?

had to leave early.. is e results out on soft yet?

btw, i thought i already saw the monitors clipping with blue LED oredi.. cld it be e acoustics of e place?