Sun Yanzi - Against the Light


New member
after reading today's Chinese papers review with the rarting of 4/5,
I rushed out to buy our local most popular singer latest CD.

It starts with a good piano solo with electronic sounds but after which the songs sound similar and typical with no surprises. I wonder has the production team ran out of ideas? The Lee bros with its pool of music arrangers probably has dried up? Martin Tang is brought back to the arrangement team with 4 numbers under his belt but age has caught up with him and I see no innovation with the arrangements. Kenn C only got 2 songs and both sounds ordinary. The written songs didn't stand out as the first few albums, a change in label but no change and innovation. *sigh* disappointing... 3/5

they're paid to promote local stuffs... never really liked Sun Yanzi, I find her voice really unattractive, not sure why some people likes her.