Suggestions for a 2x10 Cab

tube pre's are nothing extraordinary, given that there are a few of them in pedal preamp form, and many solid state pre's do a pretty good job at tube emulation. but i would look at the design of the amp rather than if it were tube or not, because nowadays it's becoming less of a factor.

anyway, if you are really serious about getting a good cab, go for broke. go full-range. it may cost you but you'd hardly regret it. there are some things that can't be quantified in monetary terms :mrgreen:


Ah ok...didn't realise the HA3500 had a tube pre. And yes, we seem to have got way off topic...

So anyone else have any suggestions for 2x10 cabs?
bro just got the hartke 4x10. or else there are a 2x10 SWR at swee lee bras basah. not much choices but 4x10 is future proof up to 400 watts. so u can have a nice big head without driving the speakers insane. ceriatone is coming out with all tube head svt type 300 watts ;p
hydrive useless lah well at least for me. i would rather have 2x10 xl mix with a 2x10 vz. honestly i think those 2 combine will be very lovely.
already did. went down to city music yesterday and picked up the 210VX. decent sounding enough and a bargain for the price. this should tide me over until I figure out which cab I want to get eventually.
already did. went down to city music yesterday and picked up the 210VX. decent sounding enough and a bargain for the price. this should tide me over until I figure out which cab I want to get eventually.

i think it should already be good enough, with the sales price and all, you can stop looking and use that $$$ you saved on other stuff! :)
'other stuff' could also include more and more cabs :twisted:

there is never an endgame when it comes to gear