Stupid IMF, cause isp down

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thor666 said:
I am SO glad I'm on Qala.

The authorities should really introduce anti-oligopoly laws for the better of Singapore in the long run. And stop trying to maintain oligopoly status quos.

Huh? haha. sounds like ECONS. long run... oligopoly...
chester277 said:
i agree with xemorej.

the IMF delegates are juz normal human beings, like you and i, except that they probably earn a 6~7 figure salary and work big jobs and they're probably worth more than ur life... i dun see the big hype, like what the new paper said yesterday, "be moved" and "be shocked" i mean, for what? they wanna meet in singapore, juz do so, no need for us to be moved, because what they do does not make us see the second coming of jesus or affects our lives anyway... :?
what the toot. no wonder i cant sign in. i'd have been in the dark if not for soft. luckily can access seh this site. aiyooo.
walao, i wasted 45 mins trying to log into msn and find to wats the freaking problem la!! damn, i could have used tt time to play more guitar.
taiji said:

1)Afraid that terrorist use internet to plan attacks on suntec city as this is a international event..

2)Scared we hack in to IMF network so ISP increase their security tenfold.

ur a complete retard
my internet connection faced no problems at all..

well..i tink so..was out the whole day..

but my msn was logged in..dunno la..well...lets not make baseless allegations until there is concrete evidence.speculating at times are futile.
xemorej said:
thor666 said:
I am SO glad I'm on Qala.

The authorities should really introduce anti-oligopoly laws for the better of Singapore in the long run. And stop trying to maintain oligopoly status quos.

Huh? haha. sounds like ECONS. long run... oligopoly...

Yes, with a government that is obsessive with economics, one would think that they should be letting go a bit more for their own good.

Ah well. What do I know anyway.
i hope the taiji has proof when he accused the IMF for causing the problem. i have backup all the post in the forum. if the police would want to investigate taiji, at least i have proof to show them.
Maybe its due to him making baseless accusation involving the IMF,an international organization.

For one thing,it can be seen that he was the thread starter.And another thing,he gave viewers of this thread the idea that the IMF caused this.

However,even if it was true,there would certainly be reasons behind such these actions.


lmao.i sound like a dickhead :lol:



funny thing is that I cannot log onto msn messenger, but I can still access my hotmail via *hint*


IMF come to town. Must smile. Also must say "Mee Siam Mai Hiam" if you dun want ur Mee Siam to be spicy 8)
blame it on the terrorists, even if they didnt do it, in 3 weeks time you'll see a video of them claiming that they DOS the msn server or something, to show that this sept 11th they go hi tech :lol: :lol: :lol:

hope james dun send mi post to the police oso :lol:
Hes just suggesting dont need to get so worked up people..
YAY access to email is avaliable! Thanks crawldaddy

P.s Ahmad have patience dont expect replies so soon.
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