*time to edit my post before i get in front of some crosshairs*
thor666 said:I am SO glad I'm on Qala.
The authorities should really introduce anti-oligopoly laws for the better of Singapore in the long run. And stop trying to maintain oligopoly status quos.
chester277 said:i agree with xemorej.
the IMF delegates are juz normal human beings, like you and i, except that they probably earn a 6~7 figure salary and work big jobs and they're probably worth more than ur life... i dun see the big hype, like what the new paper said yesterday, "be moved" and "be shocked" i mean, for what? they wanna meet in singapore, juz do so, no need for us to be moved, because what they do does not make us see the second coming of jesus or affects our lives anyway... :?
1)Afraid that terrorist use internet to plan attacks on suntec city as this is a international event..
2)Scared we hack in to IMF network so ISP increase their security tenfold.
xemorej said:thor666 said:I am SO glad I'm on Qala.
The authorities should really introduce anti-oligopoly laws for the better of Singapore in the long run. And stop trying to maintain oligopoly status quos.
Huh? haha. sounds like ECONS. long run... oligopoly...