Stupid IMF, cause isp down

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Okay after much thought , I don't think it's a local issue altogether. My friend in Malaysia is also experiencing the same problems. He can't log into MSN.
so u see..speculations are pointless.

things arent wad we thought of them to be.
my friend in hongkong also kenna.
Haha, at first I thought this was the msn people's weird way of commemorating 911.
soft said:
i hope the taiji has proof when he accused the IMF for causing the problem. i have backup all the post in the forum. if the police would want to investigate taiji, at least i have proof to show them.

one post and suddenly everyone balls drop and become all smiley and nice :roll:
My msn was signed in from yesterday, but my brother's wasn't and he just HAD to make me sign out to see if I could sign in again.

I couldn't.
Seriously, why slam IMF for this just bcuz they happen to be here at this time?

They r here to discuss serious issues that can affect all of us in some way or other. So give them a break.

Well soft, thanks for everything thus far:)
My msn was signed in from yesterday, but my brother's wasn't and he just HAD to make me sign out to see if I could sign in again.

I couldn't.
What a bro you got there. :wink:
i found a solution via
UPDATE: Here's a temporary fix for error 81000314 and 80072745 by linx05: just put the following lines in your hosts file:

UPDATE #2: mario has made a nice little tool that automatically enables/disables the fix for you. Use at your own risk though.

it seriously works.
unsane said:
one post and suddenly everyone balls drop and become all smiley and nice :roll:

i beg to tone was neutral all this while..

nth to worry abt..u can see that. :wink:
People in this forum should not anyhow shoot their mouth cos they are unhappy. Please be responsible so that we can enjoy SOFT for as long as possible.

Singapore 2006 is a big national (not just a gahmen) project and we should all chip in to make it a success, instead of shooting baseless accusations. Remember, at the end of the day its taxpayers money paying for the event so no point shooting at our own foot. If Singapore gets bad rap, we wil lose out in the end. Learn to think long run and for the common good instead of being obssessed with personal emotions.
Yeah.....i can never sure who is reading this thread be sure what u say and back it up if anything happens.....
some people just arent in control of actual reality and disperses emotioans thru utterly useless and untrue defamations.

i hope the ISD is reading this.
Lol, that's weird...I was still surfing yesterday evening...maybe your coms didn't like you or mine's just infatuated with me...
initially it was due to msn signing in problems and it went on all the way to imf and whatever bullcrap. well at least msn is okay now. sheesh :roll:
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