sss vs ssh


New member
my friend has a fernandes retrorocket config sss. he listens and plays mainly alternative and indie music. we were wondering would it be more suitable for him to change the config to ssh?

in any other case, what pickups would you recommend for sss/ssh configs relating to those sounds?
my friend has a fernandes retrorocket config sss. he listens and plays mainly alternative and indie music. we were wondering would it be more suitable for him to change the config to ssh?

in any other case, what pickups would you recommend for sss/ssh configs relating to those sounds?

Unless your friend LIKES the sound of a single coil bridge pickup - why stick to SSS?

Its not so much about the genre but does he like the sound?

The main problem with SSS to my ears is - a typical strat bridge single coil sounds just too thin. in comparison to the other pickups especially the neck single coil. Much of the "problem" can be solved by installing a metal baseplate but its still there to a certain degree.

Move over to a HSS, the problem can be solved but if you are going low output, the problem comes back except this time round, the bridge H can be too loud, too bassy, too much mids ,etc etc.

However a HSS is probably more versatile - you can run the H in parallel or split. And the H is better suited to higher output single coils, especially the stacked humbucker variety.

If you are going for HSS, look out for output and magnet strength. The difference in resistance between neck single & bridge humbucker should be around 2k... and the humbucker shouldn't have too strong a magnet - alnico 2 would be better suited for lower output singles and some pup makers, esp the handwound ones ,will degauss a magnet for you to better fit the singles.
im moving from humbucker to single the change in the 2 is basically due to genre.cause blues sound NICER in single coil.but there are players like gary moore and bb king who uses humbuckers for blues.
opt for the HSS, equip the guitar with a push-pull coil splitter for days when your friend needs a single coil tone from the bridge.
ok im relatively new to all these. if he changes from sss to ssh does he have to make any other modifications other than changing the pickups and of course the pickguard. and how much would these other mods roughly cost? (not including the cost of the pickups)

also we dont wanna ruin anything so how much does it cost for a shop to install pickups?
its the fernandes retrorocket x-1. he's not into heavy metal or that sort of stuff.
oh one question. if we change the sss to lace sensors gold do we have to change the pots and stuff? or just the pickups will do. and where actually can we get such modifications done. im too noob to help him so we prefer sending it to a shop.
Bring it to someone like Beez then. He can do things like this pretty okay. He will be able to answer your questions too.