sound proof, anyone?


New member
well not just intended for guitarists only or wahtver. but to all musicians. epecially drums. u cant really adjust the volumes right?(not talkng bout electric drums)

do u guys do anything to soundproof ur rooms? if yes, what ya guys do?

isit possible for hdb flats? skali people above and below still can hear how?
Haha not eggs actually, egg cartons.

Those cupboard-ish stuff. They are supposed to be a cheaper solution of sound proofing. Don't know how true that is though.
For loud instruments like drums, one of the only methods that produces noticeable results is to build a room in a room. Drop in layers of rock wool, wood, gypsum board, air gaps, etc in between the two rooms. You doors and windows are the weakest points so extra attention has to be paid there i.e. having soundlock double doors with weatherstripping on the perimeter.

On a budget simply raising the drumkit on a platform and dropping in layers of absorbtive materials in between the floor and the platform might work well. Egg cartons are quite useful at diffusing mid-high frequencies but do nothing for low frequencies. Thick curtains and upholstery are very good at absorbing high frequencies but has no effect on low-mid frequencies. Low frequencies will be your biggest enemy when sound proofing in these scenarios.
Haha not eggs actually, egg cartons.

Those cupboard-ish stuff. They are supposed to be a cheaper solution of sound proofing. Don't know how true that is though.

back in the days me and a couple of my friends and to kapo those cartons from a shop to sound our rooms.but till this day that plan has never been carried out.i think you have to layer it with sponge too.the carton should be the 1st layer.that is the cheap way.but pro stuff i dont know.
waaaah so complicated ah??
i watched school of rock what la they put like sponge at the door gaps.
donoe how soundproof is that gonna be. so jealous my fren go soundproof room ppl go jam at her house. damn.
yes. u can't adjust volumes for drums unless its and elctronic kit. But, u can adjust the degree of stroke instead of hitting it hard hit it with relatively softer strokes. Or u could get muffle heads. but,, i never really like the rebound i get from muffle heads. they just totally suck haha. and btw. ur friend is rich, get over it. haha.
we've been building a mini rehearsal space in my drummer's house, we got hundreds of egg cartons from our school canteens and it does help abit. We got lots of thick old carpets from our friends and family to pack up the floor, and hung many curtains and cloth over the windows and from the ceiling to buffer the sound a little.

it helps.
My room used to be soundproofed with just sponge between the gaps of doors...seemed to work in reducing the noise level.
The only way was stated by smurfpiss.

Room within a room.

Other than that the only thing acoustic foam/sponge is gonna do is focus the sound where you want it to be.

I did the room within a room thing in my room at home, it is very effective, really cuts off the amount of reverbation. However the biggest weakness is the sealing off of the doors and windows, all gaps have to be sealed lest there will be sound leakage.