Sound issues when connecting iPod direct to DTXplorer


New member
Hi all,

I use a male-male 3.5mm cable to connect my iPod to my DTXplorer AUX IN so that I can play the drums while the music still being played.

However, I do get buzzing noise or low volume from my iPod.

Could it be the cable fault or do I need something like an Audio interface?
Please advise, thanks!
Getting a line-out connector (buy from Jaben or Stereo Electronics) for the ipod may be able to solve you problem. Alternatively connect your ipod to a pair of external speakers?

I assume it is a case of interference or double-amp residue.
Schtauffen, do you have another cable that you can test with? The AUX IN is meant for this purpose. Should work.
I don't have another cable, budget issues.
This cable is a cheap one (< $10) I bought from a neighbourhood hardware store.

I can't connect to speakers because I'm wearing headphones connected to the DTXplorer.
I will try z_z on the line out connector. Thanks.
maybe u wanna borrow a cable from a friend or something to try out? It could be the cable...
None of my friends have something like this, unless we talk about guitar cables.
I think I'll just bring my module, iPod and cable there in case I need to test. XD