Some of my guitar videos

I do know i'm not talented but playing guitar is my hobby and i'm not giving up just because bad playing or mockery anyway.

I enjoy playing and practice everyday.

Just because you gave up doesn't mean others will do the same too.

Thanks anyway.
I have to agree with whatever Djanggo has said but however I wish that Djanggo's tone could be a little more subtle in his way of commenting.

I'm not a guitarist (although I've played guitar before) but the individual notes you play between each other sounds very "dispersed" in a sense that the transition between the notes you play isn't smooth enough. You would have to work on your phrasing. Finger exercises would be of great help to you.

Trying practising to major/minor scales instead of pentatonics because the scale patterns for the major/minor scale covers the entire fretboard in 2 octaves. The notes of a the major/minor scales located on a fretboard are more dispersed than the pentatonics scale which in return could help you to improve on your phrasing.
thank you djanggo..

now would'nt that be more useful than ur mockery?

for the intellectually challenged,the answer is YES!
jango ..agogogo ..ur comments seems familiar ..:)

ok frodo ..need kaki to jam??
pm me willing to play for fun...
only for fun...nothin else..

keep on practice me fodo sure u will improve.

but playing in a band is better ..just that ur aware whats happening ard you..

mr agogo janggo ..right or not..:)
hi smildrumz,

actually i can give you the chords for mistaken identity.

the basic rhythm is just E > G > A.

We'll forgo the intro and the chorus first.

can you make out the drum sounds?
thanks drumz...

try to do in a basic rhythm. actually you can just send me thru email or

i can just try to play it again and re-record again.

i don know whether i'm prepared to jam...haha...i need more practice.
just wondering.. so an individual has to be as good as paul gilbert to post a bloody video?

frodo is asking for tips and advice and instead of giving it, you're hacking him off. this is open mic dammit! anyone can post any songs and ask for comments and advice. well at least you have given advice to him in your last post. try to be calmer with your words next time. encourage him!

frodo, watch some instructionals and improve on your basic techniques
you can do it with the passion and dedicaton and of course tonnnes of practise!

celestial serenity
thanks Joshua...

yeah i've been practising more.

Now i've been playing natural scales and increments for it. It's hard cause the frets are more wider to fret.

But i manage to use my pinky for it.

If i mastered natural scales, i will jump to pentatonic and such.
hi there
i'm sarah from the crescent crowd. check out this web
do give me some feedback.

i tink it'll help if u try to sing out the tune that u are soloing. get the skeleton of the solo first. after which u can add in some bends or hammering and pulling off techniques (pretty basic stuffs) but it adds a whole lot of character and feeling to the solo. and also get the rhythm rite!!!! cos just by playing a whole lot of notes doesn't help u to become a good guitarist. soloing is not just playing but it's the message you're trying to convey in the solo. it's hard cos u dun use words to portray the meaning. therefore it's important that u try your best to convey it through the music you're playing. yea that's about it. hope to see new videos soon. cheers!