some gibby and epis are made by samick?

Get your information together before you speculate wildly.

MI (Musical Instrument) manufacture is the Orient; i.e. Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, China operates in a deisgner/client to contractor relationship.

Hoshino, owns various labels such as Ibanez and contracted Fuji Gen Gakki to maufacture Ibanez guitars. Fuji Gen Gakki also manufactured Fender Japan in the 80s. Some of these manufacturers release their own brands. E.g. Shiro Arai, then owner of Matsumoku, released Aria, Aria Pro II, Shiro etc.... and was contracted to manufacture Morris, Westone, Hondo etc etc etc. The main exception to this practice is Yamaha which manufactures largely its own stuff in Japan but sub contracts in Indonesia and Taiwan. Terada in Japan manufactured much of the Gretsch reissues you see today. Moraidara manufactures most of the acoustic guitars that come out of japan.

Young Chang is the largest contractor in Korea and makes parts, guitars, guitar parts, pianos etc. They make stuff for and from Samick to Fenix and several other makes I won't mention here.There are are also various other contractors in Korea.

The quality varies as there are several grades of target markets, and the individual client/designers may have different QC specifications.

Grow up and get educated before making wild speculations.There is some public level information available in Michael Wright's varaious books, and also Paul Day's books.
the fellas were makin speculation coz they wanted someone like YOU ... 'pretty well informed' to shine some light here .... thank you !!

But ...What if your info is not true ?? as your source is only a book or two !!
People don't usually share business worx, ya know cut the crap- yours is oso a speculation ....maybe slightly better than the kids here .... !

This is a forum where 'dumb kids' hang out for a chat ....if you are giving advice/info nice ! :D
Well my Epiphone DOT which I sold not too long ago was made in the Samick factory.

It was more resonant than the new ones hanging around shops. For whatever reason that could be, it shows that its really the material and workmanship put in.

I would say almost gone are the days China = bad, USA = good, Samick = stay away.
"But ...What if your info is not true ?? as your source is only a book or two !!
People don't usually share business worx, ya know cut the crap- yours is oso a speculation ....maybe slightly better than the kids here .... !"

Well I see the general music forum idiocy is still the same in Singapore. Can't help you there if you're thick, and you obviously do not know my connection to music manufacturing or MI designing so can't help you there either.
0vid said:
Well I see the genera music forum idiocy is still the same in Singapore. Can't help you there if you're thick, and you obviously do not know my connection to music manufacturing or MI designing so can't help you there either.
So what's your aclaimed "connection" to music manufacturing? Are you the sandpaper guy?

guys, please.

Ovid is a respected individual here. He KNOWS what he's saying.

Stop being childish and do that herd instinct forum thingie.
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
heh, without ovid, theres prolly no soft for everyone here...

heh heh.... lets not dwell on the past. Its making me misty.... we were so young then....

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