Softies from Temasek Poly!

thought i posted here before, but i want post again.

hellloooo, me from business IT course(u guess which sch?), year 2. hates school. bye.
i heard the design students are organising 'TP FEST'
somewht like SINGFEST.
im not sure whether it will happen
i just finished internship like over a week ago, cant wait for school to me school is WAYYY better den working in some corporation and coporate slueth for peanuts. Especially when you kenna for 6 months (sadly, im from CMM yes).

i agree. school is way better than internship. but by the time you realize this, sadly, you're usually almost finishing school. then again though, believe me when i say, the pioneer batch of cmm students probably had much worse internships. haha.

ah music vox. so old school.
anyone wanna form a band to join music vox?

i wanna jam and get seal points.

speaking of SEAL points, i already got like over 60, which is EXCELLENT...cant get distinction unless i get into director's honours list for my results....

more or less maxed out my seal points already, so i cant go any further even when i play in any more sch events (which is most likely jam and hop and more)...

more incentive for jammers in TP to join music vox!