SOFT Monthly Meeting (10th Dec)

shred5 said:
wat abt the jam?

we can have

1. performance by bands or solo
2. free & easy jam
3. a combination of both

SOFTies who are keen, PM me.

First 10 confirmed will get a free drink* from me! ha..ha... we PAY talents.

* under 18 = soft drink
* 18 and above = beer
pardon my ignorance..
but all are welcome rite? and does it cost anything?

Never been to an outing before but would like to see what it's like and meet the people here
it's free. feel free to come and chill with the rest of the softies.

do introduce yourself to others (don't shy away lah!) so we can put a face to your nick. :wink:
issit like a get together soft jam thing? or its one by one after another.. maybe id be interested in the jam together thing =)
dhalif, we can have both. we can start the night with some 'planned' performance by bands or soloist. then second half we just free and easy jam. :smt034
aaa..i wanna come...

been eye-ing the gathering over the past few months, always got something tt crops up..and now..i got a class chalet...

i'll try to come though...=)
sounds real real coooooool :lol:
will the free and easy jam be fixed on some covers or just anyhow freestyle wack?

you are welcome to suggest! :wink:

oki, i need make a note of those who are interested to perform/jam, please list down your name and choice of instrument.

1. SOFT - Keyboard