SOFT is going IPO

mikemann said:
I tend to agree with Dirt. We need to have more gigs, no need to have fancy smancy kind of gigs, just have more constant gigs. Like even once every 3months, will definately get more people involved and notice about Soft. This is just part of a big picture in promotion.

feature a new different band every month with a gig .... ask ppl or softie to donate a few $$ to see the gig ... :lol:
dario said:
release a compilation album or something. so many people here surely got a lot of original works rite?

i second that... find a studio who will "subsidise" your efforts...

if $$ is a problem see which band is willing to chip in $$ if soft can chip in like 20%, sponsors who advertise in the insert sleeve can chip in mayb 40%, band can chip in the other 40%??

also can have a online poll to see who will buy the CD... if 15 bands are complied... their friends, fans may also buy... or mayb have a preorder thing so investment less?? :P
Praetorian said:
Organise SOFT gigs at Paradigm or something. You know, sponsor gigs or create your own.

Or like, a gig by the beach. Get SOFTies to play... I'm sure they dont mind going it for free.

Also, you could get other music websites to put up SOFT banners.

get music studios, cd retailers, music shops, clubs, etc to exchange banners..........
or u can always colaborate with local dealers, to ask them to link on their webby, and in turn u'd link their site on
You can like print pamphlets and give them to those Uni club/hall/events business managers to distribute... they are always searching for pamphlets to give out...

Another thing i tot of is like for sch events like fairs and stuff.... den soft can help to find ppl to perfrom there den can like put there organised by soft or something
the most important thing is to 1st link up all local music websites...

try to collaborate with other ppl/local bands to link to soft, and than in turn, u link to em...

cuz if evey local music site is linked, people who get to 1 of em(maybe a band's website) will most probably come across the links and get to know other sites too...

as for secondary methods, printing a large banner for display during gigs and concerts are good idea...

word of mouth by ppl of this forum is also a good and cheap way! :wink: