soft guitar jam


New member
alright softies, anyone up for a big soft jam?

we can either do a cover where alocated time slots are given to whoever is interested,

or we can have one big jam over a backing track.

something like the jams going on at guitars 101/

just thought i'de bring it over to soft..

heres hw it work, we pick a track and then get maybe a few interested people, then split the track into time slots, and then each one records his/her part over the given time slot then we mix it altogether and VIOLA< one big jam!!

i happen to have a few tracks, covers and free jam blues/rock/metal/funk tracks.
gargamelesp said:
that would be dead cool, im totally interested to see the standard of musicians here :)

now, if only i was good enough to join :)

yea.. i listened to ur GNR cover.. nice one..~

i can play simple chords and screaming in the background.. ..if u need me :lol:
actually guys, dont feel shy or anything. u dont have to be good to play or anything. i am nt good too.

haha, i believe as long as u are interested it will go well.

actually for the jam tracks i have, most of them have rhytm in them, so it would be kind of a soloing jam. if u guys have tracks without rhythm, we sure could have some people playing rhytm while those who want to solo go ahead and solo.
i think for starters maybe you could post the backing track with rhythm. I think it would already be messy with 4-5 people playing solos, and letting someone else play rhythm would make it messier imo
ahhhh... thats the stuff man.. so how you intending to do this soft jam thingie?.. it would be very interesting to hear different approaches to soloing over this track. hey satch you start first la??... then i'll record over that?
i leave the thread till sunday and see the response. then ill split the track into different parts.(if there is enough participants).

best way to carry it out is that every one record their part and then pass it to either me or someone who can mix them altogether.

so be sure nt to send ur part mixed with the backing track but jst send ur solo by itself.

to that point, anyone want to help me with this jam? by mxing the solos? haha, cos my program isnt very good for mixing as it always crashes when i open many many files.
i got a slightly better idea
instead of sending the individual tracks and mixing down from there, which would be super tedious why not try it this way

guy number one plays the intro or maybe one minute of the song with the backign track and records with botht he backing and the solo

he then passes on the file to guy number 2 who adds his part with the backing track as well and passes it on

i wouldnt mind trying a take on this if there is room left! now whos gonna start? YOU SATCH! :)
that wont do, the problem with that is the sound level will be uneven. and it will be hard to cut and paste the track. recording over the BT will only make it harder. i believe having on guy mixing will be the best.

looks like only 3 peeps are interested?

CHANMIN, wanna go first? haha, since funk is ur forte.
if we are using the funk track, it is roughly 3 mins long without the drum intro, so roughly can have around 5 people jamming. so each will have solo time of 40 secs.
if we are using the funk track, it is roughly 3 mins long without the drum intro, so roughly can have around 5 people jamming. so each will have solo time of 40 secs.

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