well this is going to be one of my last posts in a while as I'll be busy with some projects + other trade (non-audio) projects and a nice cruise in a hot tub in the middle of the ocean for a week at month end.
since this is in the Kopitiam section - Hi , i'm this guy who you see all over the Sound/Computer section helping people with pc/audio recording issues since approximately 2007. though I joined soft in '04 and was partipating general threads + audioload / reload / IRC back then.
I actually do get calculative on the time I spend on soft to help people and I do try to half-assed type out answers at my usual 88 - 108wpm speed so it doesn't interfere with my daily life. "What's in it for me" is just a practice to keep myself updated on what's the most common errors people face when setting up studios as I'm engaged consultant to a few individuals who are running their own home production. The rest of it who don't want to be more financially cost effective I recommend them to post their problem in SOFT (win win situation as there's more activity and more people can help and it's free.)
#1 "What's In It For Me?" : to factor the demand of people nowadays like what logicdroid has said , ask a question in a manner whereby it almost calls for "hey I haven't bought anything, I'm still procrastinating, what problems would I possibly face if I were to get my hands dirty, and I want answers conveniently laid out on standby , spoonfed to my situation so I don't have to go through periods of frustration and immediately get things done. without me having to pay for any consultant services. and yes once I get what I want, i'm out of soft. yes blueprint I know you've said many times, share with soft on what I've achieved. but bollocks to you I got better things to do."
#2 "Everyone has their own plans" : Suddenly people (this does not point any finger at anyone particularly, so if you take offence your problem , if you must know it's the douchebags who msg me on my phone personally to ask for answers and not have me engaged for my consultant service.) come crawling back and realised what's mainly covered on SOFT's audio section by myself is only Recording. They start asking mixing questions which I've said many times I don't entertain details of mixing as it's too subjective, generally if it sounds right, it is right. Just work on your hearing judgement signal chain that's all.
Because ugly truth is, you claim you want to learn mixing so you can sound better (yeah yeah that's what every kid says). but it just translates to me as "bullsh!t, you just want to stand a chance try to be better than the person you're learning from. you just want to learn so you don't have to pay a single cent or even start offering recording/mixing/mastering services and try earn a little pocket money" and yes you don't have to defend yourself, c'mon I've walked that same road you came from. I tried asking a few friendly questions in the past when bedroom recording was ridiculed but I'm glad the questions were either left unanswered or hmm what was that line in 2003? "Trade secret

", and I turned out to be much a bigger better person getting my hands dirty and learning DIY and answering the questions myself through effort. So newbies - If you just ask spoonfeeding answers, you will always stand small in the shadow of the person who answered. Guides/Tutorials/generic answers only serve as a quick exit to the expressway from small roads. But there will always be that peak hour traffic jam and ERP in the industry.
This chapter also covers on people who I've seen over the last 5+ years who've tried starting their own forums. their own gigvideos youtube. their own "hype".their own purpose websites to link out of SOFT. People like us (me and the other helpful people) will share our 2 cents. but we're not going to shoot ourselves in the foot.
#3 : "Facebook" : the ratrace to gather the most likes.the most plays. wall tag spamming. There's a high chance I'd click on a google ad than one of those. You have 1000 likes, but only 10 same familiar face you see at your shows. Again, the local scene is growing, but spreading out sidewards, than a tower stacking up to create a "landmark". Every man for himself, every band for themselves. To get something happening going on, it takes a "champion" to start the ball rolling. Then suddenly monkey see monkey do (singaporean mentality), people will join in if it plays a part for #1, #2. Depending on what ball is rolling, you may find yourself alone because everyone says "yeh I suppot u. but do wat u r doin ? no thx. too hard. waste time. u do can alreadi , i suppot."
#4 : "Buy And Sell" : The voice of luther himself always rings in my head from my old nokia phone, "you know luthermusic classifieds is the #1 on google singapore, why are you selling so many items and interfering my business!" > "I do recording, I have mics,audio gear, guitar bass amps drumset back then. It's normal. nevermind I take down whatever I'm selling and I'll do it on SOFT. carry on with your tone and good luck with your classifieds." So what happened now? Heh.
Just like the highlight of the major conflict SOFT had when James was trying to find out a win-win answer to everyone and make this a happy place. now that it's "open-free-for-all" again like it used to, we're back to square one on the same problem of "price police". Not everyone will be happy.
#5 : "Keyboard Warriors" : ok la, we all start young somewhere. Puberty rhymes with Stupidity. Keep an open mind and know that we no longer have that one super long pubic hair out of the fur patch longer than the penis like these boys.Heh.
There was that guy, Levan, the nonstop "Post Edited" keyboard warrior. Whether SOFT relies on "any (good/bad) publicity is good" . will be covered in #6.
#6 : "What's In , What's On and What's next?" : There were a few debates on what's next for SOFT. We lack of activities yes, but when gatherings were held , the attendance kept dropping. SBCS was an attempt but once the bands outgrew SOFT they suka suka go MIA etc. And like what was mentioned, everyone has their own plans and a Saturday in a month can be precious time.
from what I observed, james try to maintain this forum as a clean, healthy, positive, sunshine and rainbow place where kids , teenagers , adults , family people can hang out and learn from. Even I can't control my crude language / sarcasm at times especially when another's stupidity calls for it. What sells today : stuff that's flashy or fleshy. So this is a Music Forum, there's no business in involving sexual stuff unless you're talking about a nude hot chick covered by a guitar or a female drummer in a bikini playing metal core double kick pedal core in high feels. Otherwise , In general I feel as long as we don't talk about the 3 topics, Race/Religion/Government , everyone is safe. and of course nothing pornographic.
Brandon's recordingreview is indeed interesting, a roundup of all the studio engineers globally , but that said, there's also gearslutz , other global recording forums. I guess what makes SOFT interesting is just "Singaporean" more home based.
I think before facebook, the hype was to post anything that's of "Current Events" / tabloid trash on Music Kopitiam. nowadays people just do it on their walls. But even for that was kinda unproductive in my opinion.. so which one is bad? "Waste time!LOCK / DELETE THREAD!" or "Quiet forum..."
What's next? Now my questions are, is anyone going to stop whining bout the good ol days and come up with a revolutionary idea that isn't limited by #1 and #2? and who wants to start the ball rolling? Heh.Cos personally I thought of doing tutorials/guides etc. but after considering #1 and #2 and I feel I've done enough, and there's no new young punk doing what I did when I was their age.
F|_|cking Busy and vice versa.