Perhaps the times have changed for internet users? I can recall the era of BBS using dial-up modems. Forum was a later thing that came in. Before SOFT, it was Singapore Music Forum, a lively place. SOFT took over and it was a very good makeover. Those were the days when forum was the in-thing. Lots of exchanges, because perhaps that was the main way of internet exchanges.
Then we have MSM and similar online messaging, which makes communication faster. Then comes facebook, twitter etc. Smartphones use increases and mobile internet usage is becoming the norm.
I'm not sure if a forum is the key platform any longer. I'm noticing this on all forums, not just SOFT. The key thriving forums are those providing very specific technical needs (like xda developers).
I'm not sure what that means. Perhaps we can still use forum, but do we need to add-on other methods of exchanges? I can see that most people come to SOFT for the buy/sell section, which means that's indispensable. What do people really want in information exchange (esp now with so many music-related info sites out there)? I notice that when people want technical info related to music, they want an answer (or solution) ASAP. So we need to provide that kind of response time. However, people seeking for solutions to music-related questions are the minority.
Looks like it's time for market segmentation research...