Soft forums is getting quiet...


New member
I have this feeling that people coming to soft forum is getting lesser... are musicians getting lesser or got other musician's forum in singapore?
Due to the increase in 'price police', arguements, rants and little keyboard warriors its no surprised many of us have moved on to other things in life.
Over the years, soft has definitely served its purpose as an intro for most, even till now. What comes after, prolly aint what here can give liao.

Heh, seriously, if really musicians, where got so much time to surf forums or just buy gear, talk gear every now and then. Might as well spend more time to write, record, play and find other means to get more money to pay billss, buy food and get more honey to play with, along the way.
Due to the increase in 'price police', arguements, rants and little keyboard warriors its no surprised many of us have moved on to other things in life.

Second this, too many immature users around for me to even feel like wanting to post anything. I still check soft though, mainly for the buy/sell as for drummers, we have our own group on Facebook.
I agree with pathein about musicians not having much time to hang around to talk about things. But SOFT used to be really happening last time. Must be something that happened along the way that caused the change. Cannot be last time more time mah for musicians. :)
Indeed, we must encourage more chit chat about music making, need more users to share their music and most importantly, support and encourage each other.

But like everything, there is a cycle. I think we are currently going through a low period but I hope we can quickly turn around and see more activities in the music scene.

Like what PatheinRaindropMoe said, SOFT can only do it's limited part. There are so many things that can only be done offline. I wish to take this opportunity to give credit to Eric ( RudimentalDrummer ) for organising the SBCS gigs. He puts in a lot of effort to find venue sponsors and arranging the bands for performance. Check out the thread ->

SOFT will continue to serve the community in years to come and I hope the community will help each others in this little passion for music making.

If you have any suggestion to improve the site, you are most welcome to let me know either here or emailing me

Happy May Day!
IMO, some probable reasons why SOFT is getting quiet......

- Always the same old thing, so people became jaded and stopped coming.

- Overzealous policing and thread locking, especially on complaints, heated debates and touchy subjects (like politics and such). Squeaky clean goody-two-shoes posts don't bring in many audiences. Controversial and dramatic posts do.

- But lack of policing on clowns with multiple user-names/accounts who love to disrupt the Buy & Sell Section.

- "Being in a band" or "forming a band in school" is not as cool or trendy as before. Some kids may have already outgrown it or lost interest.

- There is more to life than just music and gear. Therefore, new hobbies.

- In this pressure-cooked country, music is not the priority, feeding the family is.

- Facebook.

- The Gear Page, aka TGP.
I don't post much anymore because of loss of interest in being a musician (more into cycling now), and my posts are rubbish anyway. I still come here to check out the Buy/sell though.
so it has happened again.. one can hear a pin drop....listen ...that sound of the smallest violin playing.

well, if the singaporeans have moved on...then soft should reach out to the foreign talent here in singapore but wait a minute, singaporeans moved on? but recently the government spent $4million on promoting the arts but did we see anything? did we get anything? maybe the money went somewhere else and the sponsors' money was spent....

also soft has a facebook account .......................
I think somehow this forum has become more rock and metal oriented, as in most people here seem to be into rock and metal, so those who are into other genres of music don't feel very welcome or relevant here. Hence they either don't bother posting at all, or they quietly disappear after awhile.
so far the feedbacks are kinda panned to the negative sides of singapore or rather skeptical nature of singaporean.

Sad to know musicians with passion at first slowly becomes a working adult who gives up passion for living, or gives up dream for bread.

Well, after chasing the "bread" for 10 years since i'm very young, now i believes in doing whatever makes me happy since the bread does not make me a happy man at the end of the day.

yeah, i know shouldnt take 'hobby' seriously....blah blah blah. BUT, takes alot of courage and sacrifices to pursue our passion but no regrets, haha!

We have too many price policemen recently.

Ever wondered why all of them tend to be 'new' members? Its strange..
People here always have this mentality, ' Too ex - Rip Off. Too Cheap - Defective.'
So.. what on earth is proper pricing then? Can you please everyone? No. You wanna please the majority. So whats the range i should sell my item at? Will I have to please the price policemen too?

This is quite sad. It really turns people off with the thread spoiling and all. I guess alot of other members were sick of such things. Weird nerds saying things like, 'Bro i dont mean to spoil your thread but ....... *kills thread*'. So whats the difference in saying, 'Bro i dont mean to kill you but im just gonna stick this knife through your heart.' Pretty lame isn't it?

I personally feel like migrating to the USA forums. Gone were the days where people used to stay up late in the wee hours of the morning just refreshing SOFT because every deal here gets snagged so easily..
interestingly, while going through the thread, i ask myself, what have i contributed to the forum here, in term of musicality, gear talk etc

i realised that perhaps the forums here can do away with lotsa us actually....

or that if its only buy sell forums we are looking at...

hehe, in a music forum, we are pretty much dead, musically. Even in a thread like this, musically, there nothing much, but mentioning of buy sell, actually seem more than the music itself. We are screwed, still...
It is no surprise at all that this is happening. youtube has tons of tutorials irregardless whether you are learning music or what you have..

The one thing I've realized - that these days, people are plain lazy. Doesn't anybody bother to google before they come here in search of answers? Most questions I've seen on Soft are just clones. Same question, different people posting. Just a couple of years ago, I was pretty happy to help someone out when they've bumped into problems with their recording stuff but it IS very trying to keep spirits up when you realize that people want answers but are too lazy to go in search for the answers themselves.

We have here blueprint/cheez/kongwee/roland lim and the likes who are very very proactive and don't mind spending their time helping others. I think however, most like myself have turned to subscription - subscribe to whatever is relevant to ourself so as to avoid conflict and waste of time, and that stuff or support comes directly to your comp or phone from the professionals or manufacturers themselves (who are also my friends on Facebook*) which is why I think more and more people are losing interest engaging their time here.

I love Brandon Drury's recording review because of his choice and use of language and his dissent on the status quo. He reviews gear and quite frequently, slam age old techniques and concepts. We definitely don't have that here. What we could do now, is copy and paste links to whatever we feel can benefit this community.

To find out the causes, you have to know and understand the current trend of things.. And most people want to gain, not share.

*So if I'm in direct contact with manufacturers, professionals and musicians all around the world on fb, who needs Soft? Time and trends will tell where this forum stands. The solution is to stay consistent and keep helping the community. What else can we do? Go out and evangelize?
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so far the feedbacks are kinda panned to the negative sides of singapore or rather skeptical nature of singaporean.

Sad to know musicians with passion at first slowly becomes a working adult who gives up passion for living, or gives up dream for bread.

Well, after chasing the "bread" for 10 years since i'm very young, now i believes in doing whatever makes me happy since the bread does not make me a happy man at the end of the day.

yeah, i know shouldnt take 'hobby' seriously....blah blah blah. BUT, takes alot of courage and sacrifices to pursue our passion but no regrets, haha!


with bread, you may not be happy
without bread, you will definitely be sad
SOFT really used to have a lot of things going on... Those were the days though. Or perhaps fewer people are discovering SOFT? I admit it's getting a little quiet and I only add to the forum once in a while (unlike back then)... Maybe we need another SOFT event to gather hype! Haha!

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