SOFT football outing to Singapore Vs Australia friendly on 23rd March

Well I`m back, goaless draw..

We played well, our defence n midfield were solid but we just can't seem to score goals. Kewell wasn't at his best though. :P

A funny story..there was this group of Caucasians sitting behind me, I assume they were Australians but after hearing their conversation, they were not Australians n they actually support Singapore. I think British. Maybe they PR? But there`s was one of them who made me laugh, with his funny remarks. When Singapore wasn't able to attack, he suddenly shouted, "Apaaaaaa Niiiii?" (What`s this?) in British accent hahaha...he even commented that Precious was fat n looked out of place in the defence. He saw an Aussie player spitting on the field n then the guy replied "Fine $500 for spitting!" :P N I heard words like "Pass the ball, u pandan!" Too bad, those guys went off at half-time n never returned :( Would love to hear tat guy make more funny remarks.

Well, bring on Lebanon on Wed! :)
hmm spore looking good huh?

nice jersey i must say..

and i am wondering, why isnt lionel wearing number 1? he is the 1st choice...?