Soft Drummers Meet | Sat17th March 07 | 1-4PM | LCUBE@Duxton

Drummers Attending Meet-Up: Updated as at Feb 25th 2007

Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, DrumHobbist, Reuben, Weckl.

Sub Committee Member: - caijunlong

*) James (Soft)
1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x (TBC)
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] shred5
20] Qwebie
21] Dull Theather
22] Heartbeat
23] BebopIggy
24) de_john
25] gambatak (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
26] kahuna (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
27] smildrumez (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
28] kanzer (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
29] danial (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
30] farid (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
31] pakerdee
32) envee
33) caijunlong
34) Jowell
35) Ipul
36) Knvt
37) Knvt's partner

Yo fellas, 37 is a huge number and L CUBE can only hold 50 people uncomfortably gonna be the bad guy here and let you guys know that the max we are having are just 40 drummers. Meaning only 3 more places are up for grabs.

James, RD, Ruben, Hobbyist, Weckl-x and caijunlong, we need to have a meeting asap to iron out the details and finalize the topics of discussion.

Im suggesting March 1st or March 2nd in the evening @ the L CUBE Area. Can you guys make it?

Yo fellas, 37 is a huge number and L CUBE can only hold 50 people uncomfortably gonna be the bad guy here and let you guys know that the max we are having are just 40 drummers. Meaning only 3 more places are up for grabs.

James, RD, Ruben, Hobbyist, Weckl-x and caijunlong, we need to have a meeting asap to iron out the details and finalize the topics of discussion.

Im suggesting March 1st or March 2nd in the evening @ the L CUBE Area. Can you guys make it?


Yeap, I think that's very fair rla. I would have suggested that if you didn't.

Would you guys be up for an online discussion (perhaps on msn?), L CUBE's kinda outta the way for me.

I was also thinking of drafting a set of "Event Guidelines", not sure if you guys think that's necessary. Basically something that by saying you want to attend the meet, you are agreeing to comply by certain guidelines laid out.

These guidelines are motivated by a basic understanding that all of us want this event to work out smoothly, with ZERO of the million things that could possibly go wrong not happening, so that we can all enjoy ourselves, hanging out, interacting, etc.

Certain things might be obvious, but I believe caught up in the excitement and rush, some of us might be forgetful about e.g. being responsible for our own gear that we bring, or even be irresponsible for others gear, over-passionate about certain things that we believe our way is better, things like that.

I don't think any of us start out wanting to mess around on purpose, but things might get out of hand if a raw nerve is touched. My instinct might be to whack you with a stick if you crack my cymbal :lol: Something like that. It's funny to joke about, but who knows, it could happen.

Cheers, apologise for the ramble, let's get on with the game. :wink:
Drummers Attending Meet-Up: Updated as at Feb 25th 2007

Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, DrumHobbist, Reuben, Weckl.

Sub Committee Member: - caijunlong

*) James (Soft)
1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x (TBC)
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] shred5
20] Qwebie
21] Dull Theather
22] Heartbeat
23] BebopIggy
24) de_john
25] gambatak (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
26] kahuna (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
27] smildrumez (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
28] kanzer (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
29] danial (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
30] farid (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
31] pakerdee
32) envee
33) caijunlong
34) Jowell
35) Ipul
36) Knvt
37) Knvt's partner
38) Smildrumez
OK Bro rla you are right - - Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, DrumHobbist, Reuben, Weckl & caijunlong - Can we meet-up at somewhere near L Cube (we might need to go see if the place can house 40 comfortably)......or Bro rla alone since he is Jamming there every week? - you decide.

"Event Guidelines" as proposed by Bro Weckl are very important here - we want every Bros attending to feel good, so we need to have the Do's & Don't draft out, so that everyone follow certain guidelines ... and appreciate all your understanding on this matter.

It is referably a face-to face-type of meet-up my opinion (how about on 2/3/2007 Friday) ? Can Bros ????????
If there is the meet up, can someone please print the propose itinerary for James (Soft), RD, rla, DrumHobbist, Reuben, Weckl and myself? I guess that will make the meet up more effective. We might need the hardcopy to discuss further.
ok set.

Committee meeting-745pm on 2 march,friday.

Meeting point-Tanjong Pagar mrt stn control then walk down to El Cube.

Attendance List-Rueben to print 8 copies.

Itinerary -RLA to print 8 copies

Code of conduct - Weckl-x to propose & print 8 copies


See you guys there.

hey how can I join the soft drum commitee

hey guys i really need some tips for drums and good i find out that soft has a drum committee and yeah I duno how does a forum works sorry la i NOOB haha !!!
Bro jimmyplaydrum

Thank you for giving the Committee a helping hand (oh we need that)-and welcome to the team :smt041 , you will be in the Sub-Committee for this 17th Mar 2007 Meetup (so you have to turn up this very Friday at Tanjong Pagar MRT Station Control Room at 7.45pm...BUT 1st of all - do us a little favour:-

You will need to sign up here to attend the 17.3 Meet-up (true right - no point being a Committee member but not attending the meet-up). So rre you comming? - If so please PM your Contact HP No, Nick & Real Name to Rueben and put it up here at this Thread that you will be joining us in the event as everyone does.....thank you - just do us that little favour...Any problem can call me at 97989977 (Eric)

PS:- You can likewise - click the PM (here) then type in your datas and sent it to me