Soft Drummers Meet | Sat17th March 07 | 1-4PM | LCUBE@Duxton


New member
This thread can function more as an 'official' announcement, and to make it easier for people to add their names. We can keep on planning and brainstorming in the original thread, but others might be intimidated from reading a thread that is now close to 20 pages long :)

Date: Saturday 17th March 2007
Time: 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Venue: L CUBE @ 16A Duxton Rd (Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit A ) | MAP
Cost: The cost of renting the studio will be split between all who attend

(Estimated approx $5+ each if there are 20 drummers)

Click on the following link to read and join the discussion to the original thread started by RudimentalDrummer, where all the brainstorming and planning took place:

Thread:Does S'pore Drummers Here In "Soft" Have Meet-Ups

What's the purpose of this meet?

Originally posted by RudimentalDrummer
To Share Our Passion for Drumming
"No Drum-Battling, just Sharing Drumming Experience within the Drumming Community here in Singapore. Getting ourself more involve, motivated and inspire each other regardless of whether we are entirely New To Drumming With No Drumming Experience, Beginner, Intermediate or Advance Drummer to Professional Drummers."

What's going to happen on that day?
The program is yet to be finalised, discussions are still open in the original thread. Do join us there and spill your ideas!

Great! Where do I sign up?
1. You can add your name to the list by just copy and pasting the existing list, with your name added. Or if you're lazy... just reply to this thread saying "Add me!" and someone will add you soon.
2. PM RLA or RudimentalDrummer with your nick/real name/contact number.

Who's been working to make this happen?
Thanks to members Rla, Drum_Hobbyist, RudimentalDrummer, Reuben for doing the groundwork, the rest of us will just have to turn up!
Drummers Attending Meet-Up:

Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, DrumHobbist, Reuben, Weckl.

Sub Committee Members: - caijunlong, jimmyplaydrums,

*) James (Soft) (Committee Member)
1] RLA (Committee Member)
2] Rudimental Drummer (Committee Member)
3] Drum_hobbyist (Committee Member)
4] biopromax
5] reuben (Committee Member)
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x (CMI) (Committee Member)
--allocated to Churnz
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] Qwebie
20] Dull Theather (CMI)
--allocated to "doublestroke sg's friend"
21] Heartbeat
22] BebopIggy
23) de_john
24] gambatak
25] kahuna
26] smildrumez
27] kanzer
28] danial
29] farid
30] pakerdee
31) envee
32) caijunlong (Sub-Committee Member)
33) Jowell
34) Ipul
35) Knvt
36) Knvt's partner
37) jimmyplaydrums (Sub-Committee Member)
38] tc_zen (Malaysia Johore)
39] gambatak's friend - John
40] Drumdead
41] Danial's friend - bing cheng
42] BadgerS88 friend
43] BadgerS88
44] Mel (weckl-x's cousin, BE NICE!)
45] Mel's friend
46] QWEbie's friend
47] Wiremesh
48] alzdrummer

Waiting list
(Add your name and PM details to reuben, will be notified if someone CMI)

*CMI = Cannot Make It
Drummers Attending Meet-Up:

1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] shred5
20] Qwebie
21] Dull Theather
22] Mel80
23] Heartbeat
24] BebopIggy
25) de_john (I hv forwarded yr contact nuo to rueben)
hello. add me in. i will be asking my friend kahuna to join too. thanks.

jazz techniques might be one really interesting itenary. =D
Drummers Attending Meet-Up:

1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] shred5
20] Qwebie
21] Dull Theather
22] Mel80
23] Heartbeat
24] BebopIggy
25) de_john
26] gambatak (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
27] kahuna (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
28] smildrumez (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
29] kanzer (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
Drummers Attending Meet-Up:

1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x (TBC)
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] shred5
20] Qwebie
21] Dull Theather
22] Mel80
23] Heartbeat
24] BebopIggy
25) de_john
26] gambatak (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
27] kahuna (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
28] smildrumez (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
29] kanzer (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
30] danial (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
31] farid (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
32] pakerdee (Zong Geng -90298259)
Drummers Attending Meet-Up:

1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x (TBC)
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] shred5
20] Qwebie
21] Dull Theather
22] Mel80
23] Heartbeat
24] BebopIggy
25) de_john
26] gambatak (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
27] kahuna (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
28] smildrumez (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
29] kanzer (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
30] danial (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
31] farid (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
32] pakerdee (Zong Geng) - 90298259
33) envee(hady) - 96406645.


(1) Can L Cube really house 33 person - comfortably?? :lol:

(2) Bro Reuben - Have you already had all the above 33 drummers Contact Numbers already?...

(3) Bro Weckl - can you please join in as one of our committee and assist us for this event ? - with 30 over drummers here....It will be difficult for us to really manage the entire event smoothly.. thank you Bro .

(4) Also, any Bros here who is interested and would want to offer a helping hand and join in as sub committee members for this very event (we need another 2 to 3 person) - please come forward and PM either rueben, rla or myself - - - it would be highly appreciated.

(5) Also as regards to the Itinery - it's not up yet ( we need input) - or else the committee itself will have to come up with the Itinery (as it is still very necessary) by the 8th Mar 2007 (Thursday)...thank you and we highly appreciate your understanding on the above.

Cheers Fellow Bros & Drummers :smt041
Hey bro RD, I've always respected your knowledge on drums.
If you don't mind, let me know how I can help out to assist this event.
I heard L cube can house 50 people.(Don't think comfortably though)
Drummers Attending Meet-Up:

Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, DrumHobbist, Reuben, Weckl.

Sub Committee Member: - caijunlong

*) James (Soft)
1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x (TBC)
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Kari Convention
19] shred5
20] Qwebie
21] Dull Theather
22] Mel80
23] Heartbeat
24] BebopIggy
25) de_john
26] gambatak (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
27] kahuna (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
28] smildrumez (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
29] kanzer (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
30] danial (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
31] farid (nick/name/contact PM sent to RD/rla yet?)
32] pakerdee
33) envee
34) caijunlong

PS:- As at current - 35 Bros attending this 17th Mar.Drummers Meet-up, :smt033 , such good response from bros here :smt023 , keep it comming Bros. :prayer:
hey caijunlong

i heard frm pple that can 50 people quite comfortably ,
but i dont how whether it's true ah lol :lol:
Hey guys, sorry I can't come for this gathering. Got to work on that day :cry:

You guys have fun. Take lots of pics and vids! :)

Still got space? I don't really post much here, a real nice community you guys have, i thought it'd be cool to get to know more people who share this passion!

Count me in?