So You Think You Can Camp?

Will you be camping overnight?

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slapwalkpop said:
strats: oh that fat guy is it. the one with 2 kids ? bloody mofo. we cldnt get the tics first cos he pushed us out of the line

the male kid brought a bike to queue. what the fuk. how dumb can one get?
yah loh, when the staff asked everybody to squeeze to the right side, the front wheel of the bike was against my leg. :lol:
haha.. sorrie guys i had to back out of camping last min.. i need beauty slp so i can work better to serve u better!!

i hope u guys had a fun time :) we shalt camp once again (if there is a end of the year sale).
went there to camp alone, made a few friends. LOL. The kiddo who brought his bike with him, is totally dumb. When reached the squeezed part for the queing. my leg was against his back wheel. :? neverthelss got myself a guitar i always been wanting to get.
ya i think alot of ppl dont like the fat guy with the 2 kids. one is retarded boy who brought a bike there. fk.
strats: where were you queueing ? i was near the bench at the escalator..
every1 here should know who u r, no? It is big..F A Q E H. U shoulda opted for FAQ. So ppl would come to u & ask questions that r frequently asked. U'd like tht wont u. Damn we shoulda made friends w/ the first person in line. Some1 b4 me grabbed the last chopper.
Heads up to strat... But i didn't go all out aggressive for queue cutting.
Technically, it was much of queue cutting, it was more of "crowd-swelling". If i'm not wrong, the huge swell at the bench area was made up mainly of tiet studio members and friends. The crowd swelled up after 5am that morning. I woke up only to find myself staring into a wall of people. I think the next time, those barricades would do very good.
Also, queue numbers should limit a person to represent up till 4 accompanying buyers, not 20 over.
Kudos to sweelee for those good quality items...
i was the guy opposite the bench near the escalator. there's this bunch of fckers who just turned up in the morning and started to get friendly with us in order to cut queue. i'm surprised no1 made a din about it so i just screwed it la. i didnt even know them. i came at like 5.30 and they came at like 2 am and we're in the same position. like wtf?

those ppl at art friend were worst the queue there was so thin at night and in the morning it swelled so fcking much
the overnight camp this time round was a LOT more than the previous one!!!

the previous one i managed to get a position somewhere near the cafe next to artfriend at 7am i think, this one... it was crazy even the evening before!
It's tough to make order la...I came at 9am seeing around 40 people infront of me...around 7:30am everyone started standing up. That's the point where pissed me up. It seemed to have got so much crowded.

Seriously, the next one someone should do something about those cutters.

Swee lee should hire someone to provide Q numbers, and only one person is able to take one number, to prevent them for helping friends.

But thank god I got my stuffs, so yeah. Gonna get pedals and pick ups this december. Hope things will get better.
strats i didnt get to say hi! so many people were there already, abit pai seh to go around asking, WHO'S STRATS!!! haha... mm since u kno simon, i was helping him on that day...
hey guys i hope u all have fun camping overnight. sorrie i cant join u guys even though i started this whole camping thingy.. i tink many of u who were inside swee lee shud be able to spot me :)

im the dude wearing a white polo tee, running around like a mad dog!!