true is that theres respectable folks in there that provide valuable info and experience(prolly same case with any other type of forums), but unfortunately, in general impression, as compared to some other gear forum which i would prefer, seem to have more majik talk of sound.
heh, while i do agree certain pedals do stand the test of time, but looking from another direction, it can be also folks who like certain kinda of sound according to listening preference, would gather at same place talking bout it, along the way, some will move forward and more will come from behind sharing the thoughts, build on the past.
Oh well, to steer the topic back in line, perhaps can share with us on how the capistan delay sound like, good in what sorta way(tonal quality comparison to other delay type, useful in what sorta music situation or uniqueness etc).
Lotsa folks(including me prolly) will use the word, sounds nice, but somehow, not having context, comparison etc. Haha, and the funny thing is, at times when someone(or me) ask for sound or personal opinions on gear stuff, the direction will be directed to what others has done/recorded and wrote about elsewhere. I always find that amusing somehow.