So no one has got a Strymon yet?


New member
The moment they landed at SV, I thought there would be some posts here specially about the El Capistan, TGP's hottest delay pedal right now. I've tried it last weekend at SV and it does sound great but I'm still thinking now if I really need a tweaker's delay like that.
nope, tried them though... they are definitely top class pedals

maybe what's hype @ TGP isn't necessarily so here...?
Was just thinking of starting a similar thread days ago but somehow forgot.. Saw the bluesky on the pedalboard pics thread, think it belongs to extant. Have yet to try any, been too busy.

So after trying would u choose the el cap over your faux tape echo?
heh, TGP is a coc.ksniffer slut joint lah, anything new, expensive and having exclusiveness(due to quantity and not entirely quality) will be a hit.

Wrtting the next hit music, definitely wont need the hotest delay right now. Its just the same ole flavour of the month, same goes to _____________(fill in the blank with all the pedals that have come before, and gone off the favour rack)
heh, TGP is a coc.ksniffer slut joint lah, anything new, expensive and having exclusiveness(due to quantity and not entirely quality) will be a hit.

Wrtting the next hit music, definitely wont need the hotest delay right now. Its just the same ole flavour of the month, same goes to _____________(fill in the blank with all the pedals that have come before, and gone off the favour rack)

Interesting choice of words and I have to agree with you although the strymon delays sound like they're quality stuff from the demos. Not for everyone (There are a few things I don't like about em) but its better than the average pedal for sure.

I find that on TGP, the empourium is the best way to tell if a new pedal is really good or if its just hype haha.
heh, TGP is a coc.ksniffer slut joint lah, anything new, expensive and having exclusiveness(due to quantity and not entirely quality) will be a hit.

Wrtting the next hit music, definitely wont need the hotest delay right now. Its just the same ole flavour of the month, same goes to _____________(fill in the blank with all the pedals that have come before, and gone off the favour rack)

Hahah dude thats the same for many things in society eh, we are all obsessed with trends and all. Take for example clothing brand. At the end of the day its just something you wear to cover your body. So many designs and trends have come and gone, from baggy jeans to skinnys, you name it, we've worn it.

Frankly speaking for pedals, if it works for you thats good. Surely new things will keep coming out and surely there will be the hype about them. Its just where the hype is saturated, for the internet forums, its TGP..

Just my 2 cents, no offence :). I think my signature sums things up nicely.
Was just thinking of starting a similar thread days ago but somehow forgot.. Saw the bluesky on the pedalboard pics thread, think it belongs to extant. Have yet to try any, been too busy.

So after trying would u choose the el cap over your faux tape echo?

Depends on the band's repertoire for a show. If I'm just playing the typical dirt and clean tones, I'd go with the FTE for its simplicity and easy set-up. But for more complex stuff, of course it would be the El Capistan.

But if let's say I don't have a delay yet and I have to choose between the two, I'd go for the EC. Just for 100sgd more, besides being able to cop the sound of the FTE, I would have the option for tap tempo, switchable multiple tape heads settings, sound-on-sound looper, trail mode, preset option(with the favorite switch), tape degradation level control, etc.

The only question now is how durable is the EC. I somehow have an aversion towards complicated units as they are almost always the ones that'll give you headache when something goes wrong at gigs.
heh, TGP is a coc.ksniffer slut joint lah, anything new, expensive and having exclusiveness(due to quantity and not entirely quality) will be a hit.

Wrtting the next hit music, definitely wont need the hotest delay right now. Its just the same ole flavour of the month, same goes to _____________(fill in the blank with all the pedals that have come before, and gone off the favour rack)

While you have some valid point in there, I would'nt say it is what you said it is specially if you have well-respected players like Tomo Fujita, David Torn, Peter Thorn, Ed DeGenaro, and other regularly gigging/recording players who provide valuable product info, music insights and demos for lesser mortals like me. It's also cool that you get to speak casually with the builders and get to think about questions fielded by others you wouldn't have thought about by yourself.

Also, the flavor of the month stigma doesn't always apply to hyped up pedals as you may know. How old is the Skreddy Screwdriver now? How about the Tim/timmy and Klon? These pedals were released several years ago but still people keep coming back to them. They're definitely not as old as the classic boss pedals that guitar heroes of yesteryears used but to be able to stand out among literally thousands of new pedals in the past few years is no small feat.
true is that theres respectable folks in there that provide valuable info and experience(prolly same case with any other type of forums), but unfortunately, in general impression, as compared to some other gear forum which i would prefer, seem to have more majik talk of sound.

heh, while i do agree certain pedals do stand the test of time, but looking from another direction, it can be also folks who like certain kinda of sound according to listening preference, would gather at same place talking bout it, along the way, some will move forward and more will come from behind sharing the thoughts, build on the past.

Oh well, to steer the topic back in line, perhaps can share with us on how the capistan delay sound like, good in what sorta way(tonal quality comparison to other delay type, useful in what sorta music situation or uniqueness etc).

Lotsa folks(including me prolly) will use the word, sounds nice, but somehow, not having context, comparison etc. Haha, and the funny thing is, at times when someone(or me) ask for sound or personal opinions on gear stuff, the direction will be directed to what others has done/recorded and wrote about elsewhere. I always find that amusing somehow.
May I know what is that other forum you visit?: )

It's nice in a way that it's is, as i've mentioned, capable of doing what the FTE does with the added flexibility. I've had the FTE now for about 5 months now and it's become my standard for delay pedals. I can attest that it's not noisy and feels "natural". Among the three types of delay pedals(digital, analog, tape), I prefer tape as it sounds somehow in-between digital and analog.
I like how tape has more attack than analog and more warmth than digital. So that's how the EC sounds and feels to me in the most basic setting I found on it while at SV. The FTE blends the fundamental notes and effected notes in such a way that the delayed notes don't get in the way of the fundamental ones. This is important with my band's setting as I also play with another guitar player and I wouldn't want to smudge the already thick guitar mix with obvious delayed notes and yet there will be moments that both of us would be needing delay such as small bars with dead acoustics specially if they are filled with people. For those cases, I use a delay as a thickener so the guitar won't sound so dry and to get a more expansive sound which I can punch in and out depending on the song.

So right now for me, given their similarities, my perception of the EC is that it's a reasonably-priced super-hotrodded FTE. lol.
They look good, but their prices are way too expensive for me. Rather than spend that amount why not go for rackmount effects?
I think it's because for modulation lovers these units sound better since their chips are dedicated to producing only one kind of modulation for optimum performance where as for rackmount and multifx, the chips inside them are designed to handle more than a single job. Besides, don't you need all those midi switchers for rackmounts? I've never used a rackmount rig before so I'm not really sure how you get to operate those things.
When the strymon pedals arrived, i was happened to try first. So tempted how would it sound.. i would say el capistan got e spacious echo n warm. if using two amps, it's sounds really fantanstic.. But, the delay fading might not sound natural could be due to tape design. I own quite a few delays. DMM, nova delay, 2 analog echo n faux tape echo. el cap got the thicker warm n spacious. Highly recommend for clean stuff only..

In the end, i didnt buy it. one dude grab it first.. i was like...!@#$ haha.. Here the story, first day of arrived, try the pedal abt an hour until they're abt to close. cos i need time to test e pedal due to i own quite number of delays. So nvm, i turn up tmr again at ard 5pm at standard value woodland. Set up with two amps nicely, cranked it n test it. Within 5 mins, this dude came in asking the pedal that i was trying too. so i overheard their conversation, kind enff i let him try first. cos i might need more time than him. Well, less than 5 mins trying, this dude decided to buy it.. i was like wad!! without even asking me first, whether i gg get it first or try again.. make the payment n went off. this dude was like so kaisu... i'll rmb him..

But i tink SV still have it, anyway they'll keep every 1 strymon pedal for customer trying. Wanted to try at SV, but too small area to cranked it. wait till they stock up at woodland again.
May I know what is that other forum you visit?: )

for geetar related forums, those that i used to frequent were harmony central,, diystompboxes, freestompboxes forums etc. But ever since i gotten out of playing geetar and wanting to do more music arrangement/recording, been reading mostly in ableton, cycling 74(max msp/max4live), monome forums nowadays.

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