so many people don't want non-chinese in their bands...

Pardon the shallow post:

My ultimate lineup: Malay or Eurasian female guitarist, Indian male drummer, Grago vocalist, and russell peters as UN manager cum coffee-boy of my dream band, but thats obviously not gonna happen is it? But seriously, my only advice is to move on and keep looking for the right band, don't give up.
for me (and many musicians i jam with) what matters is the ability to fit into the jamming... u dont drag a pop rock guitarist and play metal drums and bass and ask him to solo over, he's gonna feel sorta weird right?

anyhow, i've noticed that malay, indian and chinese all have different "general preferences", maybe that attributes to the division... altho lately i've seen lots of metal and pop bands that mix all races together :D

side note: anyone notices how the three races fall into these places?
indians are awesome drummers / vocalists (i havent seen an indian keyboardist on stage!),
chinese are great at vocals and bass and riffs (chinese girls pwn the keyboard scene),
malays are superb at shred and rap (malay girls sing really gd ska)
because it's mostly the Malays that listen to Ska and stuff. GSC was power. okay who cares. i noticed most of the key i've seen are Chinese. oh well...
u went for GSC ah? powerhouse? i think they were gd... lol i was inside restricted area getting my ears blown away, watching people get thrown in the air. amusing leh.

did u get thrown? lol
Yeah thats how it is. Having said that, I've also been in multi-racial bands, and others that were not. Its just different, and the music comes out differently in some situations. Its just not something that one should ponder about really, just suck it in and have fun. I'm sure a good musician with a pro-active attitude would have no problems finding a band, and even if not now, eventually.
haha how come you were in the restricted area? i went for the suns actually, decided to stay behind for GSC. i wasn't in with the crowds, standing very far at the back. had an unpleasent experience with skinheads before, don't want a repeat :wink:
i was workin for mosaic music fest =) my assigned show was over, so i went over to check out GSC since i only got to see 10 mins of The Suns (roxors)

multiracial is singapore, so multiracial is our music, :D let the indians pwn the percussions, the malays solo on the guitars and the chinese funk the bass - and most importantly, a mixed blood hot babe on vocals. muahaha, sell-out band!

disclaimer: if u wanna try that lineup, i'm in no way responsible for any losses you incur.
nice 1 shredcow, ethnic music styles = new stuff to learn.

common courtesy to practise in multi-racial line-ups, is to speak english. its not abt the fluency in language but making every member feel involved, and being open about everything. and if you're not that fluent in english, after a few months in this practise, you probably improve too.
I think it's personal preference. If the band members always talk in chinese and englilsh not so gd, then suddenly this indian drummer join the band have to start talking in english it's kinda weird mah. I don't feel that it is racial discrimination. What's there to discriminate anyway?

:/ Okok everyone gets the point now I think. I mean racism in bands doesn't exist much. That's what I see and believe.

Anw, sidetracking abit, CRISPYEGG! How come you got to work for mosaic! Thats way cool. Haha.
ah well.. then mayb its time u started to learn the language.. i'm chinese and i speak some malay too. so its easier to communicate with malay and chinese bandmates... thats the beauty of being in a band, u get to elarn to much from each other about all sorts of things..
hmm, that actually not only happens in bands but also in jobs. then again, not everyone is like that. usually, its a minority. most people would be more interested in making music and having friends of different races, as long as u can click with each other. so, no worries. just gotta find the right people. gd luck.
i would suggest you move point holding on to that eeky feeling of yours ... there are more musically talented ppl in sg who needs you..
btw music is an universal language which ppl from different race,lang,reli etc can communicate .....dont let that narrow minded people spoil your dream!
wah.. i think its only myopic musicians that wont allow other races in their band.

i personally would kill for a BANI in my bands... or just to jam with them is a privillege already... its about the music and not the colour of the skin or what la...

really retarded to have a pure bred chinese band and sound like a pure bred chinese band that sucks ass.

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