smavro amps?

why dont u try them out for urself and let ur ears be the judge.

zax and ized are gay for each other. so u can ignore them! :twisted::twisted::mrgreen::mrgreen:

well true oso. coz i dun have the time to go down at the moment so thats why i checking out and do abit of research 1st. HAA
why dont u try them out for urself and let ur ears be the judge.

zax and ized are gay for each other. so u can ignore them! :twisted::twisted::mrgreen::mrgreen:

you can join the club hahaha . But really , don't get the smarvo la , it's quite a bad amp.
I remembered a particular gig (it was Deafcon i think) which the Roland JC-120 broke down and they brought in a marshall-looking half stack as a replacement. I was more than happy until i saw the brand on it: SMARVO. It was the 2nd time in my life my rig sounded so bad(the other time was when I used the line 6 spider amps provided at L cube or sth).

If you'r using pedals, my advice is to avoid smarvo amps (whether it be tube or what not) and get a fender frontman 25r for home practice. Its cheap, super loud and most of the time the volume doesnt need to go above 2. It sounds way better than most single ended tube amps (i've owned the blackheart one and it sucked for pedals).
Ized's Fender Frontman 25 sounds damn good , don't bother with the Smarvo tube amps . Just get a cheap and decent amp like his and it gets really loud when you crank it , don't even need to turn it up past 2 most of the time . Many old timers use that amp to gig .
Just thought I'd add something... Because nowadays people are thinking that just because it's valvestate, it is better. If you're using it only for cleans, and using pedals for distortion like most people here, go for the one that sounds good, regardless of solid-state or valvestate. I personally think Smarvo solid-states have good clean tones, but I can't say for the tube. Generally-speaking, highlight of tube amplifiers for me is the distortion. When it comes to cleans, I'd select a solid-state anyday because many of them sound just as good if not better.

So don't judge by tube or solid-state. Play it and test it and decide for yourself. And also, that cheap for a tube amplifier is very suspicious, I'd be very cautious about the quality and materials put into it. When it comes to cleans, the Marshall AVTs impressed me the most so far.
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I used a solid state smarvo 30 watt one at ben and jerries , oh i hated that set hahaha , It was soooo horrible , i mean I could have tweaked it a little more on my part but still . It was nasal , sounded too harsh on distortion and had horrible cleans .

But as Eugenesmasher said , try other amps out first and pick out the one that appeals the most to you . Don't rush into the purchase.
Yup, dont take our word for it...go try it out and hear for yourself. Tastes do vary.

Btw, i think Marshall AVTs have horrible cleans. But im the sort of person who prefer the chime and sparkle of fender amps, and pedal friendly amps like jazz choruses.

One man's meat may be another man's poison.
Most importantly you have to like the sound. I can say Marshall vintage modern is bloody good but if you dont like it you dont like it.
The VSH which i tried in taiwan sounds too trebly. It sounds pretty robotic really. But hey you may like its tone plus its a different amp they may have improved it.

My few recommendations for practise amps are.
Randall V2XM Available at davis (celestion speakers and great EQ and distortion)
Orange Crush15(Good classic rock overdrive , spring reverb)available at Blackwoodguitars
Or you can try modeling amps like Tech21 trademark30 , VOX AD15.
I have not tried the Fender frontman before but you should give it a try too.
I used a solid state smarvo 30 watt one at ben and jerries , oh i hated that set hahaha , It was soooo horrible , i mean I could have tweaked it a little more on my part but still . It was nasal , sounded too harsh on distortion and had horrible cleans .

But as Eugenesmasher said , try other amps out first and pick out the one that appeals the most to you . Don't rush into the purchase.

LOL i tot ben and jerry sell ice cream one ROFL.
u used the onboard preamp or from ur efx pedal?
Yup, dont take our word for it...go try it out and hear for yourself. Tastes do vary.

Btw, i think Marshall AVTs have horrible cleans. But im the sort of person who prefer the chime and sparkle of fender amps, and pedal friendly amps like jazz choruses.

One man's meat may be another man's poison.

if only roland sells their jazz chorus at a more affordable rate T_T
Smarvo?! HahhAhahhahHhahahha!!
Tube Smarvo?!


I think at $350, it's still overpriced for a whatever smarvo. Haha!

Sorry fellas. I had my bad share from smarvo too. I HATE IT.
My few recommendations for practise amps are.
Randall V2XM Available at davis (celestion speakers and great EQ and distortion)
Orange Crush15(Good classic rock overdrive , spring reverb)available at Blackwoodguitars
Or you can try modeling amps like Tech21 trademark30 , VOX AD15.
I have not tried the Fender frontman before but you should give it a try too.

I had the Randall V2XM and all i can say is its a good amp if you'r solely using the amp's cleans and distortion. If you'r planning to run pedals into it, its not really great for that. The clean channel is quite sterile and nasal imo, dirt channel kicks ass though. Can nail the bzzt bzzt bzzt pantera tone.

I sold this amp for a fender frontman 25r. One of the best practice amps for cleans and pedals by far in my book.
I'll be more than happy if I can somehow own that particular amplifier Blackwood had. That time I tried one of their pedals, I got a chance to play a Gibson Les Paul into what appears to be a Gretsch tube amplifier. So far, best cleans I've ever encountered. Anyone knows what brand and model of amplifier it is? I do know it is around 30-watts all-tube, and it definitely looks like a Gretsch... And an amazing amplifier at that.
Smarvo? Weren't they all the rage not too long ago? I got turned off even back then with their hopeless speakers.

I think they're pretty value for money Solid state pieces but they really really need some passable speakers.

EDIT: Haven't seen that 30w tube amp you were mentioning but tube amps are not cheap to operate and run. They do need maintenance from time to time. That counts toward expenditure.

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