SLAVEN BILIC - Croatia national football coach, ROCK STAR

what is Fandi Ahmad play metal.

maybe he was into the matrock thing during his younger days.
Well, this is normal. Someone who's just a talented musician is not talented. When a person is talented, he excels in whatever he sets his mind on. A talented being is a master of all trades.
Well, this is normal. Someone who's just a talented musician is not talented. When a person is talented, he excels in whatever he sets his mind on. A talented being is a master of all trades.

Not really. There's no one you or I can name that excels in everything he does. Bilic as far as we know is an average coach and perhaps musician. He doesn't really excel. What about our own Fandi, he's the best footballer Singapore has ever produced. But look what happened to his business ventures. Simply put no one is perfect.
The scope is not "perfect". It's "being good in whatever you want to be good at". There are few such masters of all trades in this world. Now I don't know much about these examples, so maybe they don't fit the profile - but at least they deserve the recognition of being masters of many trades.