Skinny pants

What's the deal with the skinny pants on guys? They don't touch the ankles, make u look stick thin... wat are we trying to be? Nicole Richie? If you wanna go skin, go with the old leather tights like them ol rockers.
^ It is Singapore afterall...we don't wanna take off our pants and find out the color's different from our faces...

Btw, anyone knows if a tailor can make a shirt skinnier? I accidentally bought it a size too big...
Alamak, the best thing wear spandex.....All superheroes do

One thing bad, cannot "steam" :lol: It becomes so obvious
ahaha..dude..tell me abt it..

i was wearing swimming tights..and i went into the was at night..the water was winky decided to harden itself like nothing on earth..

the most embarassing part was when the girls looked at me like as tho im a pervert. :oops:
no dude..

it was oredi 9pm...and the guards were askin me to leave the i dun have much of a choice do i?


bad boy!



talk about the tennis player who had a tennis ball right to the groin at a speed of 208Km/h
Yes, the skinny pants does hinder the proper growth of he manhood. By not allowing air to circulate, the little tadpoles inside tend to die out faster and hence... you get the picture.
i find it disgusting la..

no thanks to this stupid trend..that.. really small sized..obviously my thighs and legs are small..

so i altered my pants so that it wont be so baggy..more of a straight cut kinda thing..

and i got people saying, "eh..levis got skinny jeans meh??"

dumbasses..gosh i hate skinny pants! me..i can lose 5kg in 1 week..

and it took me 4 months to put on that 5kg..

and i eat 6 meals a day..

i tink energy output too high..