Singtel Wins Rights To BPL 2010! Good or Bad?

we should get a poll..

how many of you guys are willing to get both starhub and mio, and those who are willing to find other means of watching the game..

this is a useful poll.. hehe *hint* *hint*
hahaha, poll.

I won't get both. I'd either find a friend who has Mio (hint hint) or watch in Clubs/Coffeeshop.
same here. i'll boycott singtel. everything. phone lines everything.

i'm very sure singtel paid a ginormous sum to win the contract. so i hope they get a poor turn out.. and the lose money..

those of you guys with mio tv. be prepared for a hell lot of advertisements. scully halfway through the match got ads man...
This seriously stinks.
First champions league now BPL
I'm not going to get MioTV for sure.

yes dudelove BOYCOTT!!
Damn. Wonder how am i going to get my soccer on weekends? ):
This seriously stinks.
First champions league now BPL
I'm not going to get MioTV for sure.

yes dudelove BOYCOTT!!
Damn. Wonder how am i going to get my soccer on weekends? ):

sure sucks to be a soccer fan in these times. i think the best thing is to gather at frens' places to watch soccer, maybe chip in money to share the monthly subscription costs. or watch in public venues.
Think its damn stupid and irritating that this is happening.. with all that exclusive rights shit.. can't they just have it on both? So now what? If we switch over to Singtel.. and 3 yrs time Starhub wins it back how? Switch back? Switch between Singtel and Starhub every 3 years? This is really maddening...
When money making is involve. Govt always wins... Good example... The train providers... So long you all suckers... I'm watching my matches in kopitiam.
I'm watching my matches in kopitiam.

Me too.
But I'm sure the coffeeshop uncles are also stressing themselves out if they should totally swap to MIO.
Maybe they would, but for a fee. Like, wanna watch soccer at coffeeshop, pay $5 upon entering!
Kopitiam always the way to go~ haha... i always watch there. last week when man u won man city, one uncle jumped for joy and spilled beer everywhere! hahaha

but yeah, felt quite sad for other providers - lost their rights~
No MioTV for me. I love my football, but they do not have star world, discovery, axn, MTV, hbo etc. Mio may have on demand channels for tv serials and movies, but its not like its free and ur better off streaming or downloading it.

i seriously damn hope people boycott singtel Mio. But I dont think thats gonna happen with BPL being followed religiously by majority of the people here.

with this being said, i hope starhub's sports package is cheaper now. i hope football channel stays though. SPL and bundesliga is pretty good. especially bundesliga. mesut ozillllllllll. :)
those of you guys with mio tv. be prepared for a hell lot of advertisements. scully halfway through the match got ads man...

HO HO!! That would be damn funny if that happens! :mrgreen:

Anywayz, as much as I would like to join the "boycotting-of-SingTel" society, I think I'll just have to suck it up & subscribe to both SingTel & Starhub coz I will not be able to catch the games outside at pubs or whatever. :(

SingTel!!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US!!??!?! :mad: