Singtel Wins Rights To BPL 2010! Good or Bad?

End of the day, we have to spend more money subscribing both Starhub and MioTV. Very very bad news for all sports and football fans. :(

That's what happened when GLCs want a share of the pie. They take a mighty huge bite out of it, leaving little scraps for others to pick up.
Ryan - Actually, it's okay coz I will end up subscribing to both SingTel & Starhub, and owning 2 consoles and 2 remote controllers and having to pay 2 bills at the end of every month. LOL! :lol:

I was just wondering what one could watch on that website you mentioned. But thanks for all your help!
im using the 200 bucks per month connection and still experience lag and delay watching online. oh well, better then nothing
im using the 200 bucks per month connection and still experience lag and delay watching online. oh well, better then nothing

It's not about how fast your connection is but more of how much can the hosting server for the site take. i have not been to a non laggy streaming of live football on weekends yet.
agree with the ppl on streaming. try to use p2p programs like sopcast and TVU. streaming for sites would rely on the server whereas i THINK p2p works a bit like torrent. i was able to stream the CL games without any lag at all. quality is another issue, sometimes quality is really good but sometimes it's utter trash. no complains though.

Everyone's scrambling to find the best website to view 'live' football matches.

See the things that SingTel has got us doing.

*Tsk tsk*
This is balls.

Internet or time to start going out for football, which actually isn't too bad a thing, but it might be painful for the pocket...
^ agreed. with mio, torrent speeds averaged 100kbps
with starhub... whooooooooo im averaging 700 kbps

hahaha its the broadband plan that u take. u probably took a 1mbps plan then of course it will be slow. i took a 10mbps plan from singtel and my torrent speed at average is 1.2mbps
And also, how do u torrent from the mio tv thing? lol the cable speeds are always high. anyways, mio tv sucks. the starhub's cable is better.
Actually torrent speed do not depend on the service provider. It depends on the number of seeders. :cool:
I'm half tempted to get Mio for BPL and Champions' League.

I hate watching at kopitiams. Did it once, never gonna do it again.

Going to my friend's place or pubs to catch every match are not solutions.