Single coils in series(k9)


New member
Has any of u tried it yet? Currently i have a k7 system in my strat. It blends in the neck pickup in parallel.

I'm just pondering about series tones. Please post wiring diagram if u have. Thanks
series tone is louder and thicker in the humbucker sense.

this forum has lotsa info on wiring and mod

the wiring diagram got many different variation in regards to the 5 way selector switch to the pots connection(if using push pull) So kinda hard to have just one. But the basic is connecting the +ve point of one pickup to the other pickup's -ve point and then to the pots and to jack, to form the series flow.
No point pondering about tone thru a wiring diagram... just do it. DIY, your current guitar, just wire it up for series operation.
its not all about connecting the singles in series to get humbucker sound.

remember what looks like it on paper may not sound like it.

the area of magnetic field of a humbucker is different from a single. So the area of coverage of 2 singles combined will not respond like a humbucker other than being louder.
huh??? anyway i cant seem to find wiring diagrams for k9. anyone has?

so i suppose having single coil in series just makes the input louder right? thats all is it?