Singapore band no image?

mayb we should do something about it.. shock culture..mayb something like power pop... if j rockers can do it, lets make chinese rock with shred...

DD, I was about to say it, man!

I would point to bands like Pink Floyd and AC/DC... they dress just like their fans... with the exception of Angus Young and his schoolboy outfit.

But I must say that if i do perform, I would try and not have my typical t-shirt and jeans look.

Most of the time I'd do it so that I'd look decent onstage, but 30% of it is to attract girls :lol:
RazrAsh said:
mayb we should do something about it.. shock culture..mayb something like power pop... if j rockers can do it, lets make chinese rock with shred...

i say forget it, 99% of the general public dont care/understand what is shred. i fall asleep at wanky solos before i played guitar, i still fall asleep at lengthy solos played at 200bpm even after understanding it

heres a jap band playing english, and i think they do a better job than most sg bands considering the fact most of us are english educated
ah well... actually, i can't imagine singing or playing chinese metal anyway.. chinese lyrics are like so tame.. even the chinese metal band sounded weird...
To answer again, it depends what you want.

Polarizing to fit people's tastes over what you want and like isn't going to guarantee you anything.

If Singapore bands wear what they think fits their style, that is fine and dandy.

Where I'm going at, is trying to say that not everyone joins a band to "save the local scene", which seems to be the direction of the discussions. If one got a bunch of musicians to dress up and play a certain style, would that band be no better than what most musicians detest - boybands? Not every musician plays music to gain fame or to break into the market - some just play for enjoyment and for sharing.

To go into a direction of attributing Image to Success is rather myopic imo - it hinges on a popular criteria of success and mindset. End of the day, bands should do what they want to do. Set your own targets and try to work on them in your own terms - that is what makes your band unique from other bands.
ok.. add u later.. i'm in class now using the com lab... lol.. chinese metal!!!

weird thing is. i'm a j rocker.. foo!!!
earsleep said:
i like the observatory man, but ive never heard of padres. theyre pretty famous
in the local scenes i suppose but i dont think theyre that big beyond that. correct me if im wrong

Electrico is definitely larger than any other local bands before lah. Hmm... maybe with the exception of Kick! (hurhurhur...)

But The Padres did something which Electrico has yet to top.

They played for the Thai king's bday in BKK 10 years ago... and apparently, they had the whole screaming-and-following-the-band-around schoolgirls thing when they were there...
Erm KISS doesn't wear their makeup and 7inch heels all the time but still sound kickass:)
Wah chinese metal... Gonna be interesting... But prolly won't appeal to the secondary school kids cause i feel their pain and sorrow sitting in a chinese class all day sounds a little dramatic but my chinese teacher really sucks thats why mine sucks too... I think a primary 4 kid can beat me in chinese anytime... anyways, I'll be sec 3 next year hehehe

man i heart the padres. Anyone have a copy of the Night CD. i cant find the orginal no more.
i think we must have good music first.

once the music is popular, the band/musician become idol. then anything they do or wear become THE fashion.

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