Signature models- to buy or not...

Would you buy a signature model?

  • Yes, I admire the endorser.

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  • No, it's made for the endorser, not me.

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heh, the insult is just a joking part. Actually i rather the user define what the guitar is and use it as how they like it. It doesnt matter signature or not. If the user define it as a piece of firewood, it will be just a piece of firewood!
Crawldaddy said:

^^ just like how I'm using a Muddy Waters telecaster for rock and roll / hard rock?? :oops:

heh, still ok imho. Tele is great for anything. I rove tere!

Recently iam using a epi joe pass sig geetar for ambient and drone. Pretty much nothing jazz heard except delay, reverb and more reverb :lol:

PatheinRaindropMoe, yeah... the telecaster's way versatile, but the sounds.. it's more like a love at first listen, or a situation whereby the listener need some getting used to especially during first encounters.

I'm just waiting for strat lovers to start defending their instrument's versatility now :lol:

Anyways... it's technically not a completely stock instrument anymore.. I changed the neck pickup to a Dimarzio twang king (which is basically same output if I'm not mistaken, but slightly more rounded in tone).

Switch to the bridge pickup, add reverb and get an instant pre Led Zeppelin-III / Stairway to Heaven solo Jimmy Page sound!!!
i think signature guitars are overrated sometimes.. i mean, look at satrionic's tele.. he uses it for metal.. or so i read somewhere on the forums here..

besides signature guitars kinda make the audience have a higher expectation of what u can play...

instead, be original and customise your guitar for yourself instead..
One of the most famous guitar IS a signature guitar...

The Gibson LES PAUL.

I don't have to be an old wrinkled geezer to play it right? No offense to LP though..
y waste da money on signature guitars?
use da cash 2 build 1 urself
u can have wadever u wan in ur guitar
wadever paint jobs u wan on it
make a guitar tt u customized urself n u've got urself a signature
ur very own 1 :lol:

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