Shredcow's In a Sentimental Mood... (NOT a cover)


New member
No no... I did not cover Ina Sentimental Mood... just... did up a little improvisation over a wonderful backing track from TGP.

Stream it...

1:25 to 1:48, my leads are panned hard left & hard right, the stuff happening in the center is the backing track.

I'm still poor at this slow soloing thing. Argh. Its so easy to play fast and forget it all but to go slow and try to get shredding-level-gain under control, I just can't get it right.

Its time for some tips from the floor!
very nice phrasing.. but it has tht marty friedman feel there with those cool bends~ haha.. other than tht... still looking for tht shredcow feel! but very nice lehx i personally feel.
It doesn't sound like me? Thats good... in a way... pretty interesting notion there!

Marty Friedman eh? Its the backing's chords that forcing me to play that way I think.
for the first few parts.. if u din mention tht its played by u.. ihtink many would have believed tht, this track was done by friedman.. hahaha
flamed for wat?? its under ur influence belt wat... but in any case... this is a good track done by u.... my honest opinion... good job.. great effort.. but of cuz learning nv ends.. i am sure the next one will be better...
It sounds cool man, there is that touch of marty in there.. I liked the part where you panned your leads to the left and right.. But I felt some parts you were like trying to control yourself not to go faster =P
bam, the struggling part to go faster was the last part I think. That was because I didn't want to spend more then 2 hours on the track but I just wanted to try to add something fast & yet retaining some form of taste...

After pondering, composing... I just threw my hands up and did a few takes, choose 1.
nicely done, really liked the slow part. though some notes kinda made me feel uncomfortable. at least it aint mindless meaningless shredding.
Very nice piece...
honestly...didnt see any marty in there :lol: prolly cos i dont associate Marty's bends with his playing...too many people doing it anyways....

Coupla different note choices which I liked a lot...gets away from the normal stuff u pick up from rock... :lol:

Overall a very nice piece...what I would love to more of that vibrato...and more of a theme :lol:
oh.... i saw it over youtube. A song "last horizon" by Brian May. No offencebut when i heard ur version... i go.... Holy shite!!!! Nice version.
I think its the backing track of that song... it was posted on TGP, and i thought I would have a go at it.

It was interesting how the more experienced and (usually) older players handled the backing there...

I have not heard Brain May's version... something I should check out! Thanks for the heads up...
Coool dude. Check last horizon out. Really man..... i tot yours is another version of that song. Still hoping 1 day u cn teach an old dog some stuff. Hhehehee...... :D
good stuff as always, some Vai-ish in 2:43 till end...but i honestly prefer when you go mental with your fast shreddy stuff like in most of your compos...

anyway, when you said "'s so easy to play fast...", how i wish me and most axemen here can say that...ha ha
Hahaha, mental with the fast shreddy stuff? Wait till I got more ideas lah... at it is now, I'm repeating too many old licks, time to figure out newer stuffs!

Eh eh eh..."'s so easy to play fast...", dun quote like that leh, still got hte later half!