Shredcow's Fusion Wannabe Jam


New member
I tried for a looooonnnnnggggg time.

And I realised.

I got a LONG way to go before I can be ANYWHERE near fusion. Can you sense my frustration at the end of the track? :lol:

Download here:


Some one, any one, give some fusion-y tips.... I'm so holed up in rock, so stagnant, its really boring and just... tiring. Very stale. :roll:
Your tone lah. Try a different tone and it'll make things easier. Once you get the feel, then change back to your rock tone. Some parts are nice and then it seems that you ran out of ideas and reverted to your rock mode.

Nah - go check this out johnson

And then this nice Sunday music.-

If you need more Howe - this one is one of the most beautiful songs ever written with one of the most ball wrenching guitar playing ever.

Here's the complete version - Howe YES Rock and Roll guitar live music

If you are interested go check out the lyrics. The entire piece isn't music - IT'S FCUKING ART!

Then see him show you what he is all about with this one. It literally, will send chills down your spine and make your hair stand on its ends. Howe YES Rock and Roll guitar live music

yea. agreed.. the tone has got to go man.
i feel that ur tone is too . plastic-like. somehow.

certain licks impressed me man .. the 1 at the 0.53 area.. nice.

the overall feel is just not how it it should be. im sure u will be able to 'fuse' soon. ha. gd luck


I don't have my audio interface YET... no more Sansamp Original... using a nice little Sansamp TRI OD's speaker sim only. It stinks! I shall go buy a DS1 lah. :lol:

Thanks for the comments guys, now going to go thru the whole gamut of clips and stuff.

I think I shouldn't have gone thru the whole song in one sitting lah. Sometimes its all about the right time no?

RoRK, i needed a break from composing lullabye so I took one via this little doodle.

siva, thanks... this sounds more like an exercise in truely mindless shredding now upon listening to it again.

I hope to go into fusion style playing. Time to try and break out... I hope I can.
Hmm, that one sounds a lot more like rock gone wild. Not my kind of trip. Lacks direction and feel. Perhaps you can make it work cos' I know you've got more feel and a better sense of direction than that dude who was playing - his playing sounds like white noise to me. It sounds like experimental jazz rock.

As for Lullabye, hmm, give it a go. What you sent me has some good stuff that's worth a go. In the meantime, I've got 2-3 new ones. Just not enough time to work record them.

hmmm... i dunno RoRK... i'm really excited by that kind of playing.... on the pieces he plays he has a theme but not in the typical singable melody. I suppose he would appeal to the guitarist more than the lay person?
Well, to me it sounds like someone practicing scales. I play a little like that when I'm doing finger exercises. Well, I like more melodic playing. I don't see any theme in what he does. I'm self-taught, so maybe there are nuances that I am not picking up.

You're already good at what you do. I'm not certain what you see in playing like that. It seems a few steps down from what you already do. Maybe you like the sweeps and shreds? Maybe you just want to play differently - like sound different? For me that should come from your tone and the scales that you use and scales can be used in so many ways. Check out Randy Rhoads and you'll see how he uses a large variety of scales/modes to create really ballsy melodic rock riffs.

And then there's Eric Johnson who seems to be able to fuse bebop, rock, blues, early jazz and rock into something all of his own - not all the time but it's really cool when the melodies are great.

And then there's chord phrasings and rhythm. Perhaps if you started there, you'll get a better hold on what to do for the melodies for this type of music. I still see it as experimental jazz rock and not fusion. Although fusion covers a wide area, including experimental jazz rock. Confusing huh? ;-) . Well, that's because I see some of the stuff that Eric Johnson does as being fusion, which to me is some jazzy (early jazz) bits combined with anything from pop to blues to rock.

For this guy's playing, I don't get any sense that jazz is there - early jazz. That's why I see it as experimental stuff.

And if you're lloking for great riffs that are different, look into country licks. It's essentially a lot of jazz-type scales. Use those for rock/fusion type songs and it'll sound like a killer. And then there's bebop which is truly cool. Add some of those licks into rock-type songs and it'll sound really ballsy.

Just my .02