Shredcow's Blues in Bm Jam


New member
Ugh, yes, I am at it again... Got a new backing and i was inspired by it I thought to carelessly jam over it. ;)

Gimme your feedback/critique... its NOT blues blues per se, I know that, and I do not try to do it. I just tried to play with dynamics as much as possible... used quite a bit of fingers in the beginning, and just jam to it, move to it. And make lots of mistakes along the way.

Point to note on the tone... it was just a Sansamp Original for the gain, it was on all the way, no tweaking. Pretty nifty ya? Cleans up pretty well! Just too "typical" sounding.

Links (All to same file)
killer tone.... good stuff, this one is staying....

the backing and the beginning reminds me of peter green though....
hey daniel, nice stuff!

Just a suggestion, maybe u could start an account at and stick all ur nice stuff there so we can listen to them anytime we want. :) Yousendit file expires after awhile.. :(

Looking forward to more stuff from u! cheers!
how do u kno wat key a song or backing track is played in?tera n some others hav been trying trying hard to explain to me but i still dont get it..

i also wanna do something like this..n i've got a blues backing track..problem is my hearing is soo bad i dont kno wat key it's played in..
hey guys, thanks for listening in.

ob, I have never listened to peter green, though I read he's a good player, thanks for the kind words. I don't like this tone though... :P

Indigo! Well, eh... but these are just mindless jams... no structure and choke full of mistakes... i got something @ lah... in the midst of several compositions now, so it should be updated.

bin4christ, if your ears are that bad, just play a scale in a certain key first, then just move up fret by fret. What to do when your hearing isn't developed well enough.
got embarrassing tunes from when i just picked up guitar there too! Really awesome. :P Nice to listen back on when I was a noob. Haha... have fun there... freak out and road runner are top picks from me.
Nice, great chill track to end the week. I understand what you're playin, yup its not supposed to be blues. I play in this style when I'm super relaxed till the extent I'm playing with my back resting on the bed. :?

Thanks, I probably like this track the best from all you've done thus far. I like stuff with more feelin than notes. Play more! :D
skink83 said:
Thanks, I probably like this track the best from all you've done thus far. I like stuff with more feelin than notes. Play more! :D

So... you mean... like... shred huh? :wink:

Yes, I was chilling.... it would be a silly sight i tell you... me standing there, swaying with headphones on, eyes closed. Good thing doors exist.
haha, the jam thing was cool, meant to be a relaxed jam, and well it fulfills its purpose. Tone was NICE.....

er where do u get ur backing tracks from? anywhre i can download online and of reasonable length?
oh btw.. care to share you secrets in the tone?
say.. which pup you are on.. what effects n their levels? this can help alot of us to acheive a better tweaking session! haha.. and I STILL LOVE THAT SHORT WICKED CRICKET PART!!

Thanks dan!
Gr3y said:
oh btw.. care to share you secrets in the tone?
say.. which pup you are on.. what effects n their levels? this can help alot of us to acheive a better tweaking session! haha.. and I STILL LOVE THAT SHORT WICKED CRICKET PART!!

Thanks dan!

Well. Its really, the Sansamp Original I have. Its setting for the mini switch is, those that are up, mid 2 and low drive. Mesa style selected. Gain @ 12 oclock, Precense @ 2.30, Highs max, vol to taste.

After that is the KGB booster, a Zvex SHO clone, I use it for solos for a tone that has a sweeter treble and it adds that single coil-ish bite to my split neck humbucker.

I have a DD-3 on with hi cut mod...

The wah is a Teese RMC 2, you can't go wrong with it. Spectacular wah tones.

If you like the neck tone, its a 10k alnico humbucker from HAS Sound, the Helix. Its split ALL THE WAY, and its on the 24th fret harmonic sweet spot. If you got a 24 fret guitar, it will sound different, not to hollow and "sweet".

Bridge pup is the Viper. My favourite. Mean but if picked rightly (haha, my english) it sounds very nice. Don't jab at the bridge area all the time lah. :P

Guitar is an Ibanez Saber. The one with not enough mahogany in the body. 250k vol, 1meg tone pot.

Uh. Computer was running Cakewalk SONAR 2.2XL. Reverb added to that single lead guitar track during mixdown.

Techniques, use fingers. Drop the vol to clean up the tone, the Sansamp did a good job, and use the tone to mellow it up even more. Use pick for emphasis or when sick of fingers. Fingers can give a nice spanky sound/tone though. Use a floyd for variations... that criket sound for example, just flick the bar. Erm. Play conventional blues licks, but vary the rhythm for to make it unique-er. Use lots of rakes.

Hope that helps... somehow... :D