Like how metal isn't what you dictate.
Nice pictures! I like your music, silent scenery. A Malaysian friend in Australia introduced me your stuff.
nice live and loaded pic!
Btw, see you at the Baybeats auditions man.
Thank you! Was that friend of yours called Ian Kirk? Ahahaha!
Ahh no.
Nice Fender Jaguars and ES-335
i believe thats a cs-336.
Yup! That's a CS-336 (I've added the bigbsy to it)! Thanks for the kind words, Zax
Elias, that is one lovely guitar. custom ordered lefty? my good friend has the righty version. yours looks awesome with the bigsby!
that looks like a righty bigsby on a lefty.. :mrgreen:
mine is like coming soon. so excited!
what's coming soon? bigsby or CS336?