Sg slapped over Freedom of Speech

lol... i shall make a modest attempt to try to explain what HeartRockSingapore said:

Basically, you need matured people for FOS to be effective. Aka we can't have anyone joining in the fray simply for a piece of the action (which obviously there are a lot judging from the audience at the Huang Na/misc murder cases).

US has a lot of problems with its own ideals and principles. To an extent because of her own sheer size comparative to us, but it's on that aspect we cannot bring the US FOS wholesale to Singapore; they are not a 1:1 fit.

Also, the report is biased lah. Take things with a pinch of salt. :wink:
Well, freedom of speech is a very broad term, it could be one's freedom to criticise govt, or one's freedom to say whatever he/she likes in the public(think Eminem).

Since the thread is strongly related to the article, I believe the "freedom of speech" refers to one's freedom to criticise govt or make political statements which may disagree with the govt, yes?

For some people here, they have mistook what Mr Levin has said, thinking that he has labelled Singapore's govt as bad (ie HeartRockSingapore's post). He NEVER said that. You can go re-read it again, and prove me wrong. He was warning the govt, if I am not wrong.

In Singapore, you can't have critical yet productive debates with the govt on their politics.
jumbofret said:
Well, freedom of speech is a very broad term, it could be one's freedom to criticise govt, or one's freedom to say whatever he/she likes in the public(think Eminem).

Since the thread is strongly related to the article, I believe the "freedom of speech" refers to one's freedom to criticise govt or make political statements which may disagree with the govt, yes?

For some people here, they have mistook what Mr Levin has said, thinking that he has labelled Singapore's govt as bad (ie HeartRockSingapore's post). He NEVER said that. You can go re-read it again, and prove me wrong. He was warning the govt, if I am not wrong.

In Singapore, you can't have critical yet productive debates with the govt on their politics.

Retract "bad", may be it takes to mean "naughty"
WE R DAMN LUCKY ppl.. u guys noe wat... da truth is tat THE WORLD wld be a BETTER place if ppl were to keep their comments to thems.. y bother talking bout others? it benefits u meh? even if it does.. guess wat.. ur creting a midst of tention rite..racist remarks r made by ppl who r insensitive.. if we didnt realise.. we r all coloured.. na no one race is better den da other cos afterall im sure there r ppl from our races who tarnish our reputation by doing selfish tings. freedom of speech should onli be given to ppl who can relate their views CONSTRUCTiVELY.. if u tink sumtink sucks n ur not a prodigy to help solve or eliminate ie, den shut up...go widen yr knowledge first.

the above comment is quite myopic. The main point of FOS is not to bitch about others, but to discuss publicly and candidly how we can improve our sociopolitical conditions, without fear of repercussion. Does this exist in SG?
It is unfortunate that some ppl here deems the recent seditious remarks reported in the news as not racist. Whether it is racist or not, ppl who are on the receiving end knows better. But let bygone be bygone.
Vaiyen said:
the above comment is quite myopic. The main point of FOS is not to bitch about others, but to discuss publicly and candidly how we can improve our socioeconomic conditions, without fear of repercussion. Does this exist in SG?

thor666 said:
FOS does bring about its drawbacks, including people making irrelevant, unsound, and/or insulting remarks. So? On hindsight, was it appropriate for MPs, higher officals and their family to make remarks regarding the NKF saga? Why did they have more FOS to attempt to make a point?

the most sense anypne has made so far.

i think the MAIN reason why S'pore does not have a well-known Freedom of Speech policy is mainly because this government is afraid for the people. it's not because it's selfish or anything. it's just that when there is freedom of speech, you will be exposed to EVERYTHING. from racism, political satire, pornography, political dissent, propaganda..etc. Thus they are afraid that WE being such a young nation will not be able to process this information.

HOWEVER, they often overlook the benefits of the Freedom of Speech. From it, more political debate can be generated for the improvement of this country. there will be increased transparency in everything, which can only lead to less chances of corruption in any organization.

CLEARLY, Singapore is NOT the model of a democratic country. In our 40 year history only ONE ever party has been in power. in the last two Presidentail elections, the President didn't even have to stand for elections. Demonstrations and protests of large-scales are outlawed (permit required). political apathy is rising.

Wow, you get to use "unfortunate" on people who disagrees with you... I am fortunate to say that, I am one of those. :(

Well I read the comments published on the newspapers back then, they weren't exactly racist, but very offensive. Insensitive, yes. Racist, no.

May I suggest you look at the histories of India and Singapore under British colonial rule, South Africa, USA etc

Tell me what you think after reading them.
think the MAIN reason why S'pore does not have a well-known Freedom of Speech policy is mainly because this government is afraid for the people.

i think its more bcos they are afraid OF the people. theyre afraid that by giving us too much freedom we misuse it and they end up in deep shit. theyre too afraid to end up in shit and they dont know what to do once theyre in the shit. in certain ways, theyre too narrow minded.