Absolutely fascinating !!!! Even James participated in the discussion. I think the education system, however imperfect has produce people like Lars, Super Punk & Fored, who are in their teens (only few I know) and could have expressed in no uncertain terms their inner beliefs. I was a dumb at their age. James is correct to some degree that Freedom Of Speech is sacred. Most Singaporeans (may be a little too sweeping) don't bother what the hell FOS is all about, because they only talk about food, music, holidays, children, money, cinema etc etc. And they have absolute freedom to talk on things like that. But if they enter an arena by choice, whether for knowledge, pleasure or gain, you have to know what you are doing, how to do it and accept the consequences be they pleasant or otherwise. Male or female, we all wear clothes when we go about. Some ppl wear extra layers. But if anyone wants to venture beyond the outer layers into the inner chamber, for knowledge, pleasure or gain, they better know who they are, why they are doing it, and how they go about doing it and all elements must be applied correctly before they can successfully get what they want. On the flip side there are ppl who wouldn't mind strangers going over all their bodies... it could be that the whole body is faked with silicon.
There is no one perfect system of governance, but there lies one common thing about it and that is control. If in the eyes of the US diplomat that Singapore is bad because some people were punished for saying certain things (that upsets the order of the day), and Singapore is "bad", then I guess it is a pot calling the kettle black. Can the US, particularly the present administration be without flaw. What is Freedom of Speech without human basics. Go check out records and see whether if the worst of Singaporeans are anywhere worse of than the worst of US citizens.
Can we say the FOS that is enjoyed by US citizens is any better than the limited space of speech we have in Singapore. Ask any American politicians and they will tell you that there is no such thing in America as the elected representative must put aside at least one evening a week to meet thier electorate and to solve their little problems.
It seems that FOS is the sacred principal to be worshipped by the US, but it is the least of concern. You say what you like, I do what I wish. Read the underlying tone of the report. Is that what Singaporeans want of their government?