Sg Band of Drummers

Man I was studying my ass off... I missed such a great event.

Is there a next time? Why don't we make this a monthly gathering or something? :cry:
yeah lets do this again say 2 weeks later? Everyone quickly go brush up on stuff so that we feel slightly more comfortable!

I don't know if we're ready for this yet, but i was wondering if some of us (after getting to know each other better) might wanna comment and give honest feedback to each other. I really can't see myself when i play and when i see my own videos.. i SUCK MAN!! I need someone real time there to let me know there and then what i'm screwing up and what isn't good.
oh and in reply to blurred's post:

thanks for replying dude. I totally agree that groove and timing is essential and of course dynamics. A understanding of the way music works is also very important.

I've been playing for about 4 years and i never quite knew why i couldn't play soft and do fills without tensing up. No teacher guiding me, i would just keep going at them till i dropped and still i wouldn't improve. After i saw the amount of control and flexibility in playing drummers have using the basic foundations of rudiments, i began to understand what is it that i'm completely overlooking: the very basics.

I know for sure its time i go back to scratch and get at that practice pad over and over. When i'm competent in that (which would be a real long time) then i would pay more attention to the holistism of drumming.

A steep learning curve... thats what drumming is without rudiments. I feel that first hand now. :idea:
vio i found my playing really sucky yesterday man...hated it so much cuz i know i can do a hell lot better.. and the drummers that were present and played yesterday i believe all of them felt the same way one seemed to be putting in their best yesterday..except the white shirt buffed up dude..
hey guys maybe we all can meet up this sunday or sumthin...... and regarding the booze i have too se how cause there rules we need to follow ..
we dont want nigel or rui to get into any trouble...okie....let me know
hey vio,
i thinks it cool ur improving urself man. i think maybe u need to play a groove with a metronome right. play it really really slow start at 60work up increments of 5. think of urself as a hugeeee dial like on ur oven. imagine urself turning the knob from 10 to 1 slowly and feel ur self totally relaxed at 1. i worked for me when i feel too tense on the set.

the best thing u can ostinato is not a limb but its ur mind. once u can keep a steady pulse in ur head and have ur limbs play anythiing over it. that wld be really helpful. i'm learing how to do this now its hard man but it'll be really helpful.

u got any friends in the military band get some books from them. a good one is ALfred handy's guide the snare drum rudiment dictionary.

hope this helps man
yeah i got meself a drum rudiments starter... actually its about 10 pages from the book "Complete Idiots Guide to Drums" which is a helluva good book i must say!!

so i've got the 40 rudiments... but i cant get past rudiment number 2!!!!!!! :roll: Doublestrokes!!!!!!!!!
Heya guys!

Drummer Buah: Thanks for the compliment man, Really appreciate it bro. Ive Still got alot to learn man but im willing to share what i have. Hope you guys found it usefull. if you guys got any questions il be glad to help out if i can.

Yo mel! Sweet Pics man. Haha, sorry for the late reply i was offline all the way bro..

Yo vio! Drum on practise those rudiments bro. It really really helps man.

It was really a sweet meeting man, Its really great to see that the drumming community is comming close together.

You guys rock! update me on the next meeting guys!!
i want to ask, something, about double stroke.

1.dave weckl technique is using bounce and snap, but the one i double stroke is i bounce and pullitup so the stick automatically hit the snare for the 2nd time, and it is effective if i hold the stick using thumb and index only..

the one dave weckl is using the last three fingers to snap..

which is the right technique?

2.i also notice that, when i hit on snare the rebounce is not very good, is it because of the snare setting (huh, if there is) or because of teh stick. And also different stick has different bounce effect rite?
actually. if u had seen the dave weckl video. he showed both methods... one something like yours (which he used to do) and his hit and snap technique. there's nothing wrong with the hit and snap OR YOUR technique.

but as dave weckl showed. he could play VERY evenly and smoothly with his own developed technique. COULD be a better technique BUT!!!
just think..could he have developed that hit and snap technique because he couldn't do as well with your technique? being a drummer is not about following everything pple do.. sometimes u gotta innovate and improvise. maybe that's wat dave did to his double stroke technique

i can encourage u to learn it. but i don't know if it really works for US. cuz we may be still be better with our own technique after years of practicing the hit and snap one. i haven't mastered the technique yet but i want to. it's good to expose yourself anyway..
hey man,
it could be the snare tension maybe its real loose. it cld be where ur holding the stick as well, if u hold it all the way to the end theres gonna be little natural rebound. the ehight of ur hand in relation to the height of the snare is also a factor. if ur hand high above the snare when u release the stick the bounce will be less that if u releaase the stick close to the snare head. mind u its not te stick height but the height of ur hand.
oh yah about the rebound (i forgot)

just to add on to wat blurred said.
1. your snare head very loose.
2. your stick could be at a very steep angle thus there's little rebound
3. the position of the fulcrum. where you grip your stick with your index and thumb. if u hold the stick up too high, there's little bounce..if u hold to too far to the back of the stick, the bounce just dies off. find the sweet spot for your fulcrum where there's the most rebound.
4. all of the above.. damn...

but since u mentioned about your snare setup. could it be that u sit too too near to your snare drum...then yuor hand very uncomfortable..then u use wrong technique then no rebound... ahhh crap... i need to be there personally to see the problem. haha
i heard and observed that learning to do rudiments should be done without any rebound.

As Pulse_ironica said, we should practice rudiments and double strokes against a pillow with zero rebound. We all seen his rudiments on sunday... *bow down*
yea that's good for a practice.. BUT!! don't forget...u cannot neglet the natural rebound that ur drum after u practice on the pillow..get back to your snare and control the rebound u need for that rudiment.

NOTE that u DO NEED REBOUND for playing single strokes really fast. yea?
safely to put it... just practice on your kit and on pillows ok?