Sg Band of Drummers

today was cool..... i learn a few new stuff my self.... but the wine i brought was just nice for all of them....maybe i bring more on sunday see 1st if i can get cheap from my friend... anybody wanna share share wi me... hehe
its okay if u guys cant....
yeah dude. Sunday 6.30pm at Excelsior Hotel basement 1. Drums Resource.

Drummers gathering. 8)
Alright cool, I'll be there. I'm only a beginner in drumming and I hope I'll learn from ya all. :)
What did everyone learn today? Care to share?

I've learnt that playing Rudiments is really a must. I can coordinate and stuff but sticks-wise i think nothing can substitute hardwork by practising rudiments.
dude u know, i've taken the time to learn all those rudiments plus all the fancy ones, but right now it seems that i never use them for some reason. i mean dun get me wrong their important although i dun know why. knowing something is better than not knowing i guess. wat well i'm meaning to say is that, playing time and having a good groove comes first. i feel when u can do that then get ur rudiments down. knowing how to read a chart is just so important as well. i mean if ur semi pro or amatuer or watever knowing how to read and play a simple chart is really important sometimes band leaders just pass charts ard play the cd for u to hear once and off u go.
practice to play at a soft volume. we're not like a amp where we can turn ourselves down. in a small jam room its vital that u can play soft with intensity. basically have the same feel with a volume knob in ur ass and someone turns it down. switch from loud to soft and not lose 1. intenstiy 2. tempo. its common for drummer to lose tempo when they swtich from loud to soft. being able to keep tempo when u switch from a hi hat to the ride cymbal. knowing when to give space and fill space. wat i mean is that when there is a space in there music where everyone ermm breathes is wat they calll it over here like a gap of space where u can fill in. sometimes that space needs to be there and u leave it alone.
BE A NICE GUY! get along with other musicians. this one is just so important.

all this sounds really simple and not worth practicing, but its really what gets u the gig. it mean its not the only thing but it's alot of the times wat other musicians look for in drummers. u have to make everyone feel good. make them feel secure.
now i know that i really sux on a drum kit.... hope we can meet up and u guys can teach me more cool stuff......and the next time i dont brig any booze so i wont be distracted..... hahahahaha.........
feels weird man...i play so much better at home...i guess i'm super not used to the drumset there...i felt quite shitty just now man. but i had a fun time.... WHERE THE HELL ARE THE BOOZIES!!! BOOZE!!!!!!!!!!! Y GOT NOTHING FOR ME!!!! damn....i craving for it man..
EH next time got drummer gathering call me please!!! don't forget to bring a basist. i love to funk 8)
Eeeks!!! i had jamming at guitar77 studio from 7-10.30pm and had to give the meetup a miss 8O" :cry:

managed to meet a few of u guys here n there anyways... catchup again soon!!! :D

The booze was just on the table outside of Guitar77 studio man. sunsetstone brought them. Good stuff! *thumbs up* Eh, pio. Who says you're not bringing anymore booze next time? Must bring ah! hahahaa

I was quite interested in how you played with the traditional grip man. I can't play with the traditional grip for nuts, except for the marching drum stuff. No worries about not used to the drumkit and all lah. Most important thing is we're there to have fun and share stuff.

What did I learn today? I learnt lots from the drum god, Ah-Lorrrrlenceeee! I could feel the flame burning even when I sat beside the drum god hahahaa

Anyway, it was nice meeting everyone today :)
Pics time. Didn't take a lot and the pics aren't exactly good. But here's what I have:




Many thanks to Nigel for letting us use your studio as a gathering place :)

PS: Nigel, upload the pics you took also ley :D
Haha. Great pictures. Really enjoyed myself last night too. Learnt a lot from you people. Just a pity that I didn't have much to share. It was fun though!
LOOK AT THE FIRST PICTURE!!!! SEE THAT COCKASS IN THAT CAP!!!! THAT"S ME ME ME!!! hahaha shuddup drummarbuah...

MEL80!! next time lead me to the booze man...i've been craving for it for years...
about the trad grip.....u just gotta start practice trad everyday and not give up on it after trying it awhile then switch back to matched. yea yea? i was inspired to play trad BECAUSE OF DRUMLINE!!! yeah...i can pretty much play alot of those fanciful stuff which the snare drummers do.. 8)

i wish i could have played someting better yesterday though..i found my playing yesterday not up to my standard...but that dude in the white shirt...ahh admire him..isit sunsetstone or wat?? can't remember la.. i guess he was the one who could adapt to playing different drumsets better than all of us man.. playing very smooth very natural.. nice rossana shuffle =) yea yea that dude with the rossana shuffle...u better reply..

BRiNG ME TO DA BOOZE!!! :partyman:
sunsetstone is the booze-in-charge. He must check everyone's IC before being allowed to have the booze. NOT!

The dude in white shirt who did the rosanna shuffle thing was Syed. He plays for the band Pulse. I think his nick here is pulse_ironica. Yo Syed, people looking for you here! Reply or die! lol

Yeah. Join us next time man :)